Presidential Race

Lightbulbs and Dimbulbs

Brought to you by the irrascible libertarian Steve Chapman

How many members of the Bush administration does it take to change a light bulb?

None. “There’s nothing wrong with that light bulb. It has served us honorably. When you say it’s burned out, you’re giving encouragement to the forces of darkness. Once we install a light bulb, we never, ever change it. Real men don’t need artificial light.”

Bringing me to the question–how man Alan Keyes does it take to change a light bulb?

Leave your answers in comments or e-mail them to me at

Bumped to encourage more fun. And increase the amount of material I don’t have to work to get.

OK, Forget about Poland

Via Austin Mayor,

Poland’s pulling out of Iraq starting in January.

And, of course, the line from Polish President about weapons of mass destruction

“They deceived us about the weapons of mass destruction, that’s true. We were taken for a ride.”

Quick denounce him as un-American. Oh, wait, he isn’t American. He must be French–wait, he’s not French. German? uh, no. Leftist socialist–well yes, but Bush’ leftist socialist.

But let’s look at the ‘coalition as it now stands.

The notion that these countries are being insulted when Kerry criticizes the coalition is a joke. The only reason most of these nations are doing anything is because they want to stay on the good side of Washington.

Drum on the Memos

Kevin Drum tracked down a lot of the early leads on Bush’s guard service and given the just released apology from CBS/Rather, he has this interesting statement:

I really want to hear this story. I talked with Burkett at length back in February, and speaking as someone who believes his story about Bush’s files being purged, I still wouldn’t trust him for a second if he suddenly produced a bunch of never-before-seen memos out of nowhere. If he really is CBS’s “unimpeachable source,” they’ve got some very serious problems with their news judgment.

So congrats to CBS for infuriating everyone.

At Least One Stop at the Lucca Grill

Edwards made another visit to the McLean County ATM of David Dorris this week–the third such event. At least he made the pilgrimmage on one of the trips, but think about what it takes to get a Presidential candidate to Downs three times.

The Lucca Grill was long the outpost of labor in Bloomington and even had a visit from John Kennedy when he ran for President. It also has the best thin pizza ever created.

Novak Discloses the Family Tie

Finally, the good Mr. Novak points out his conflict of interest

In response to queries: My son, Alex Novak, is director of marketing for Regnery Publishing Inc., publisher of Unfit for Command. He is 36 and has been employed at Regnery for six years, since receiving his MBA from the University of Maryland. He has had no connection with my reporting about Unfit for Command, a best-selling book dealing with Kerry’s war record whose news value is obvious. I plan to continue to pursue this story as developments warrant.