
Just When You Thought The Crazy Was at Maximum

Daniel Zanoza outdoes everyone:

These are some of the reasons why I have made the Obama antichrist analogy. It would take some sort of mesmerism to get me to believe that killing babies in the womb is a Constitutional right. But I don’t think that is the way the antichrist will operate. Those who fall under his spell won’t think about such subjects; the world will simply look at an aura which exists around an individual, but the aura will have no substance. There will be light, but no heat. There will be mass, but no form. The message will have a spiritual resonance, but be lacking in spiritual quality.

Doesn’t this describe Barack Hussein Obama to the nth degree? No, I don’t really think Obama is Satan’s main man on the planet Earth. But until someone gives me a reasonable explanation for his popularity, I’m going to leave the door to this thought open, just a crack. Even if I am wrong, at least this will let some light shine through.

Gotta Give the Guy Some Credit

Kirk Watson addresses his appearance on Hardball:

So . . . That really happened.

On Tuesday night, after an important and historic victory in the Wisconsin Presidential Primary by Senator Barack Obama, I appeared on the MSNBC post-election program. “Hardball” host Chris Matthews (who is, it turns out, as ferocious as they say), began grilling me on Senator Obama’s legislative record.

And my mind went blank. I expected to be asked about the primary that night, or the big one coming up in Texas on March 4, or just about anything else in the news. When the subject changed so emphatically, I reached for information that millions of my fellow Obama supporters could recite by heart, and I couldn’t summon it.

My most unfortunate gaffe is not, in any way, a comment on Senator Obama, his substantial record, or the great opportunity we all share to elect him President of the United States.

Had I not lost my mind, here are the accomplishments I would have mentioned:

  • Senator Obama’s fight for universal children’s health care in Illinois.
  • His success bringing Republicans and Democrats together (a huge selling point for me in general) on bills such as the one in Illinois requiring police interrogations and confessions to be videotaped.
  • His leadership on ethics reform in Washington (the bill that lobbyists and special interests are complaining about right now has his name on it).
  • His bill to make the federal budget far more transparent and accessible to Americans via the Internet – we could use that openness in Texas.
  • And his vital work with Republicans to lock down nuclear weapons around the world.

Of course, it would have helped to remember all of this last night. I encourage anyone who wants to know more (especially Mr. Matthews) to log onto texas.barackobama.com.

In the meantime, let’s not lose focus on what’s important in this election. It’s not my stunning televised defeat in “Stump the Chump.” Thankfully, it has nothing at all to do with me.

What’s important is the direction our country is headed. What’s important are the priorities, methods, and, yes, accomplishments of those seeking the highest office in the country.

Senator Obama has a vision for this nation, and we would be fortunate to fulfill it. He has the commitment to work with everyone from across the political and demographic spectrum to achieve it. And he has the strength to defend us, our security, and our values against all who will challenge them.

But most of all, he has the record to prove that all of this is possible. It’s something no one should forget.

. . . Even though I did.

. . . On national television.


Trib on Hawaii Caucuses past:

This year, the GOP held its caucuses between Jan. 25 and Feb. 5, and turnout was about 1,700, four times the number in 2004, according to party Chairman Willes Lee.

The high water mark for Democratic caucus participation was 4,900 in 1988. But party officials say that Tuesday’s caucus participation could be triple or even quadruple that mark.

“The caucus turnout here is going to be huge,” Milner said, adding that Obama’s native son status adds to the excitement.

Hawai’i (29 delegates)

51% reporting
Barack Obama 11,691 76%
  Hillary Clinton 3584 23%

Now, we don’t know if the other 50% will have precincts as large as the first 50%, but it looks to be easily more than quadruple the previous high participation.  And it seems certain that the current 3 to 1 loser will have more votes than the entire high water mark of participation in 1988.

How Long Has This Campaign Been Going ON

Long enough for Lynn Sweet to give Obama’s speech a satirical fisking

If you read her comments-first, it’s quite funny. Second, the 45 minute speech is what everyone else gets for saying he doesn’t know substance.

In the Illinois Senate he was a policy wonk. In the US Senate, he’s a policy wonk.  Now, you are all going to be subjected to hearing it until the meme that he doesn’t know policy is dead.  Congratulations. Maybe we can get Bill Clinton to deliver another State of the Union speech too.

Seller Confirms Obama’s Version on House Purchase


Points Confirmed

Burton said a campaign adviser discussed the sale with Wondisford by phone and followed up with an e-mail to Wondisford repeating his points. Wondisford responded: “I confirm that the three points below are accurate,” according to the e-mail, provided to Bloomberg News and authenticated through records shown by the adviser.

The e-mail says that the sellers “did not offer or give the Obamas a `discount’ on the house price on the basis of or in relation to the price offered and accepted on the lot.” It also says that “in the course of the negotiation over the sales price,” Obama and his wife, Michelle, “made several offers until the one accepted at $1.65 million, and that this was the best offer you received on the house.”

Wondisford has declined to talk directly about the matter.

The Obamas submitted three bids: $1.3 million on Jan. 15, 2005; $1.5 million on Jan. 21; and $1.65 million on Jan. 23, according to a copy of the sale contract shown to Bloomberg News. Obama received more than $1.2 million in book royalties and a book advance in 2005, the year he was sworn in to the U.S. Senate, his financial disclosure statement shows.

The e-mail between Wondisford and the campaign adviser also says that the sellers had “stipulated that the closing dates for the two properties were to be the same.” In January 2006, Rita Rezko sold the Obamas one-sixth of the lot, for $104,500, to expand their yard. She later sold the rest of the land.

I’ve never printed Wondisford’s name up until now because of a presumption of privacy for the guy, but he is an endocrinologist at Johns Hopkins.  He moved there after being on staff at the University of Chicago’s Medical School faculty.

Also, if you look at the records in the Recorder of Deed’s web site, you will see he and his wife paid $1.65 million when they bought the house with the lot being around $400,000.

A Tale of Two Campaign Managers

Jim Cauley, Obama’s 2004 Senate Race Campaign Manager:

hy would we? We could be king makers.”

KY Gov. Beshear CoS Jim Cauley, a superdelegate, on endorsing Clinton or Obama, Lexington Herald-Leader, 2/12.

Mike Henry, Blair Hull’s 2004 Senate Race Campaign Manager:

Clinton deputy campaign manager quits

Apparently warmed over opposition research doesn’t knock off opponents the second time either.

I believe there is a fund set-up to buy Cauley’s vote with bourbon. Or at least try….