
Something No One Caught

The Youtube of the audio from John Gibson’s show below that has Ferraro talking about how Obama wouldn’t be where he is unless he was black.  That’s not the quote everyone is talking about. They are talking about this article in the Daily Breeze

She said it entirely independently on John Gibson’s radio talk show on February 26th.  And John Gibson called her on playing the race card:
[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/fqL_sm0J8jc" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

John Gibson calls her on racism.  John Gibson!

So she seems to have been saying it relatively freely around that time.

Ferraro: Don’t Antagonize Me


[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/HOIwQSq9y8o" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

At this point her defense appears to be that she said it at a paid speech and so it was okay.  But she repeated it on John Gibson’s show.

Oh, and she’s a paid political analysist for Fox!  That makes it all better.

I think Obama can do without her fundraising prowess.

Not Surprisingly, Winning Big States in a Primary Doesn’t Matter

It’s perhaps one of the weirdest arguments ever made about a nominating process, having more delegates matters less than winning the right states.  The apparent claim is that when one wins a state in the primary, that makes you more likely to win it in the general election.

It’s a dumb argument because, well, the general election is a different electorate and so winning a state in a primary doesn’t mean you can carry it in the general election.

Case in point, look at the Survey USA poll of McCain-Obama, McCain-Clinton matchups.

The maps are only a snapshot in time and I’m sure they would change over an election, but Democrats take Ohio in both cases and Obama, who hasn’t even campaigned in Michigan, wins Michigan, Clinton doesn’t.   That Obama makes inroads in some deeply red states is what is most interesting to me, while Clinton survives only by taking the safe Democratic states and a few swings.

He also loses New Jersey according to the survey which will only happen in bizarro world after an actual general election campaign just as Clinton isn’t going to lose Oregon and Washington.

Obama, according to the poll loses Pennsylvania and Florida–two places he hasn’t yet spent time in so this is likely to change if he does campaign in both places–or at least Pennsylvania will likely change.

The thing that makes all of this interesting is that Clinton’s only way to win the nomination is to have superdelegates vote against the plurality of the elected delegates.  In one case that is reasonable if she creates popular vote margin in the contests, but if Obama wins the most popular votes and the most elected delegates, it’s hard to imagine how superdelegates would justify voting against the Democratic electorate.  The only argument to even make that plausible is that Obama cannot win states like Ohio that are swing states–but the polling tells another story.

Hey Look–Over There, Ken Starr!

Howard Wolfson reminds us all that Mark Penn isn’t the only asshole in the Clinton campaign:

“When Senator Obama was confronted with questions over whether he was ready to be Commander-in-Chief and steward of the economy, he chose not to address those questions, but to attack Senator Clinton,” Wolfson said. “I for one do not believe that imitating Ken Starr is the way to win a Democratic primary election for president.”

New Hillary Ad

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/M70emIFxETs" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

I had the obvious response of that’s great, she’ll answer the phone, but she might respond to the wrong country since she voted to invade Iraq after terrorists from Afghanistan attacked us. However, the Obama campaign was ahead of that:

“We don’t think the ad is going to be effective at all. Senator Clinton already had her red phone moment — to decide whether to allow George Bush to invade Iraq. She answered affirmatively. She did not read the National Intelligence Estimate. She still, curiously, tries to suggest that it wasn’t a vote for war, but it most assuredly was…”This is about what you say when you answer that phone. What judgment you show…She, John McCain and George Bush gave the wrong answer.”

Bus meet ditch.

Daily Dolt: Bill Hobbs

For those who were around when this blog started, the blogosphere was a very different place where liberal and conservative blogs tended to talk amongst each other and link accordingly.  That changed as the wingnutosphere went batshit insane.

One of those early bloggers who I remember having relatively interesting exchanges with is Bill Hobbs. Now the press guy for the Tennessee Republican Party who just attacked Barack HUSSEIN Obama.

He tries to defend himself on two points:

One of Obama’s foreign policy advisers, Robert Malley, is anti-Israel and pro-Hamas. Hamas is an Iranian-funded Islamist terror organization dedicated to the eradication of Israel. Malley thinks we should do support Hamas. Malley is advising Obama on Middle East policy.

Did the media cover that? Ask about that? No. They fixated on Obama’s middle name. Apparently, a story post at NashvillePost.com sparked the calls. The story is headlinedMcCain apology raises questions about state GOP, but NashvillePost.com didn’t bother to actually pose those questions to the Tennessee Republican Party. No, they went and interviewed Democrats.

What makes one pro-Hamas?  Thinking that there might have to be some sort of diplomacy with them.  Yeah.  Friggen genius.

Then he tries to defend the use of the Obama’s middle name by saying:

 Silly, of course. Run a Lexis-Nexis search for the number of times the media has used Hillary Rodham Clinton’s middle name, often to underscore her feminist leanings and independence from her husband. Do a search for how many times during the 1988 and 1992 campaigns the media called the first George Bush “George Herbert Walker Bush,” to underscore the media’s protrayal of Bush as a preppie elitist. Ditto the media’s reference to Dan Quayle as “J. Danforth Quayle.”

Actually dumbass, her middle name is Diane.  Rodham is her maiden name.

Not satisfied with being sort of a dumbass, he approvingly links to Josh Marshall’s satirical piece on Obama and Libya as if Josh were serious.