What Is The Obsession with Toilet Sex by Republicans
[kml_flashembed movie="http://youtube.com/v/mn5-XXA96ZM" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]
Call It A Comeback
[kml_flashembed movie="http://youtube.com/v/mn5-XXA96ZM" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]
Almost like 2006–smell the progress!
[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/OtBln_DS-iY" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]
So, how long? It appears to be as long as it takes to ‘win.’
The situation in Iraq, as you know, has substantially improved in the last year. And it gives us an opportunity to wind this up in an orderly fashion. But also to wind it up in a way, carefully, so that we never have to go back. The difference between what Obama wants, what Dan Seals wants and what I want is that I don’t want, I don’t think that a defeat of the United States in the Middle East leads to more peace.
Seriously, this is a bad thing to Mark Kirk…
[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/ek4onLG4z8A" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]
So the majority of his District that will vote for Obama in the fall is out of sync with Mark Kirk. Interesting admission.
In the last two months I think we’ve seen Barack Obama has unified the Kerry-Dukakis Coalition.
I think we hit Republican bottom in 2006 and I don’t know about you, but I feel stronger now. I feel that the country was pretty shocked by what they saw about Senator Obama lately. Our job is to move the focus beyond just him to other things the Democratic Party stands for.
I hope you begin to decide to work on Election Day. This will be a huge one. Dan Seals will have millions of dollars from Washington coming in, wants to join up with Nancy Pelosi, wants to back the Obama agenda.
[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/fTjhmQBn_9g" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]
According to Mark Kirk, George Bush’s problem is that he makes a lot of 51-49 percent decisions and “cheeses” off a lot of people.
Never mind that the man has the longest record of low approval in the modern Presidency, has created huge deficits, and start a war with faulty intelligence and no planning, it’s those tough choices he makes that have led to that.
Apparently the mask of moderation disappears when Kirk is talking to Republicans alone.
Does anyone doubt that George Bush has been a decisive president? He’s absolutely been a decisive president. But the reality of Washington is that all of the easy decisions are not made in the Oval Office. The Oval Office is for the 51-49 issues. That’s the whole purpose of that office. And so, you make too many of those 51-49 decisions, you’ve got 49 percent of the country that’s cheesed off at you. And that’s the reality of being in the White House.
I was Rich’s source at the Boehner event. Boehner stated there was no way to win the district with Oberweis, and that he wanted him out: “unlikable, a terrible candidate.” This was said in the presence of at least 30 Illinois fundraisers. He even stated to a questioner at the event that “we can quote him”, and that he would help get Oberweis out of the race. I believe there is no way Oberweis can win, and if he does not get out, the GOP will lose the seat for a decade. Anyone who gives him 2 cents is just wasting cash. Mr. Oberweis, you can stop calling us. We are not going to provide any further assistance.
The earlier post about the Ozinga campaign, was not the Ozinga campaign, but the Ozinga business. Same basic point remains, but I wanted to be accurate. If you are an interested party in something I post, either identifying yourself publicly in response or e-mailing me privately is your best bet. As long as you say it’s off the record, I’m always happy to listen to complaints and keep it quiet if you so wish. In some cases I may even allow anonymous comments after I know the situation.
Rich reports on a report to him that Boehner said Oberweis should get out of the race.
I’m told House Republican Leader John Boehner said at a recent event that he wants Oberweis out of the race. Boehner’s campaign office did not return a call asking for comment. I’m not sure Oberweis will ever drop out, but the pressure continues.
The problem with this is that the RNCC is short on cash and they don’t have the money unless they can find a self funder. Especially given their self funders are refusing to self fund.
Speaking of Ozinga, as Obama has shown, getting people to donate to buy into a campaign and feel ownership can be very effective and I even respect Ozinga for doing it. However, it’s a losing strategy when the party cannot come in later since it’ll be strapped and he’s starting late. He has to build a donor base up without ever having one before and that’s tough when you get a an early start.
When you write in to talk about a campaign you work on from the computers at that campaign, you want to identify yourself as being from the campaign. In general, I protect privacy pretty well on here, but I don’t like campaigns hiding behind anonymity when posting. If it’s unrelated to your race or something, no big deal. That said, it really annoys me given how many times I’ve made this point to get the following headers in a comment about Ozinga:
New comment on your post #9525 "Bring Out the Self-Funders" Author : brian (IP: , ozmail.ozinga.com) E-mail : jibhalf@hotmail.com URL : Whois : http://ws.arin.net/cgi-bin/whois.pl?queryinput= Comment:
If you are writing from the campaign computers, I assume this to be official given it’s about the race.
And if you don’t know what an IP address is, get a fucking clue.
Ozinga won’t trip the Millionaire’s amendment.
One presumes that the RNCC is crying as they have no money and one of their recruited self funders just announced he won’t self fund.
Oh, and he wants to stay in Iraq for as long as it takes to have a functioning Iraqi state. That isn’t even working in Mississippi.
Ozinga’s new logo:
Similar to…..
Nothing wrong here, just amusing.