Fundie Fun

Hey Trib, Another Failure in Bipartisanship

It’s all the Democrats fault that George Bush went out and found the biggest friggen wingnut doctor he could find and is appointing the doctor to oversee Title X programs dealing with family planning.

I’m sure whether the Democrats approve the nomination is a test of that bipartisanship they promised because, you know, all of those Republicans who are virgins when the get married and don’t use contraception.

Keroack has a crackpot theory about the oxytocin vicious cycle that leads to meaningless sex and stuff.

The President just nominated a whack job to be the head of a government agency. It’s not the first and it won’t be the last, but apparently it’s not a big deal.

More from Feministing.

To make it clear, this is like appointing Jack Chick head of The National Science Foundation.

Even With Petey Gone, the IFI found just as big of a wanker

Just to start:

But unlike single issue pro-life voters, Fox’s interest in the topic is completely altruistic. That’s right, it’s wholly self-centered.

Playing for the sympathy of the electorate, Fox manipulates the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease to promote stem cell research while at the same time bashing pro-lifers who are opposed to human embryonic stem cell research.

Yes, that’s right. By speaking on the issue and appearing as he is, he’s manipulating the symptons of Parkinson’s disease.

Even better, he just gets the science wrong. From the Wash U piece on stem cell research (which clearly does differentiate between types of stem cells and explains why there is such interest in embryonic stem cell research):

Embryonic stem cells are strikingly different from adult stem cells because they are pluripotent?they can differentiate into any type of mature cell. The possibility is strong that they could replace diseased or deteriorated cells and heal different parts of the human body.

To understand SCNT, one must first understand how the process differs from the early-stage human reproductive cycle. Several days after normal fertilization occurs in human beings, and before implantation in the womb, a pinpoint-sized ball called a blastocyst forms. The structure consists of undifferentiated cells including embryonic stem cells. Once the blastocyst implants itself in the womb, its cells begin to differentiate into various organs and structures. SCNT, however, is different and has nothing to do with the process and products of conception.

What somatic cell nuclear transfer offers medical researchers is a way of generating embryonic stem cells without a sperm fertilizing an egg. (The word somatic applies to all the cells in the body with the exception of sperms and eggs, which are called germ cells.)

Teitelbaum explains the SCNT procedure (see graphic at right): “The nucleus of an unfertilized egg is replaced with the nucleus from a somatic cell, such as a skin cell, from the patient who will ultimately be transplanted with the appropriate differential cells. It becomes a structure that looks similar to?but is very different from?a blastocyst produced by a sperm and an egg. Within it are embryonic stem cells but?and this is critical?they are unable to undergo the genetic reprogramming that, after sexual reproduction, permits the development of a healthy baby. And these SCNT-generated embryonic stem cells (ESC) have nothing to do with products of abortion and nothing to do with a sperm fertilizing an egg.”

Because the cells produced by SCNT contain the patient’s own DNA, there is a strong possibility that they will not be rejected after transplantation, even without the use of anti-rejection medication with its severe side-effects.

Equating undifferentiated cells of a blastocyst with a fully developed human is exactly the kind of misleading argument Smith thinks he is attacking.

How About Giving Directions


CHICAGO, June 25 /U.S. Newswire/ — Republican gubernatorial candidate Judy Baar Topinka’s float in today’s Chicago “Gay Pride” parade is scheduled to be just nine spots ahead of a float sponsored by the homosexual bathhouse called Steamworks, said Illinois Family Institute Executive Director Peter LaBarbera.

LaBarbera and Matt Barber of the group Americans for Truth will be attending the homosexual “pride” parade today as critical observers, to document the goings-on for future use. (Past parades have featured public nudity and other illegal and obscene behavior, tolerated by the watching police.) The two men will be available for media comment, “for those reporters who still recognize that there are two sides to controversial moral issues,” LaBarbera said.

“The media is treating this like any other parade, but what other parade would feature a float for a ‘gym’ (Steamworks) that doubles as a 24/7 sex club, where gay men go for anonymous sexual hook-ups with other men?” LaBarbera said. (Steamworks is also an official sponsor of the upcoming “Gay Games” in Chicago, as is another homosexual sex club, Man’s Country.)

The Steamworks bathhouse is located at 3246 North Halsted Street in the heart of Chicago’s “Boystown” neighborhood demarcating the city’s homosexual community

Who wants to bet if this year’s video includes any crotch shots again?

Gay, Gay, Gay

Judy Baar Topinka is gay, gay, gay

Doing nothing while a good Republican is attacked would be nothing new for this group ? nearly all of them hid in the tall grass while Jack Ryan was being crucified two years ago. That is if they weren?t pounding nails themselves.


A wag was recently heard to quip that the Illinois Republican Party?s leadership ranks are ?gayer than an Ikea store on Super Bowl Sunday.? (Yes, we think that?s very offensive too, and we call on that person to please, please immediately seek some sensitivity training for gosh sakes.) But it has to be said that our Gubernatorial nominee is a pro-gay rights activist who supports almost no part of the National Party Platform.

It’s worse than offensive, it’s really not very funny.

For those Topinka supporters who might want to break in slowly to Gay Pride Weekend in Chicago ? please consult Joe Birkett. While running for Attorney General in 2002, Birkett didn?t march in the parade, but he did attend the pre-parade rally hosted by Equality Illinois at the gay bar Sidetrack. (The gay activist group Equality Illinois is leading the fight against conservatives by trying to prevent the Protect Marriage referendum from appearing on the ballot this November.)

Some might say Birkett was straddling the fence in 2002. Kind of like what he is doing this year by claiming to be a conservative even as he works to elect a pro-gay rights activist more liberal than even Blagojevich. We?re all supposed to care that he?s running for Lieutenant Governor ? a position that?s unnecessary and a complete waste of taxpayer dollars.

Okay, this one is funny:

We just have one more request ? a fashion suggestion actually. Mr. Kjellander, if you can be persuaded to march proudly with your Judy on Sunday, our advice would be to steer clear of the leather chaps as well as the tiny shorts with glitter. Yes, they are a favorite of many participants ? but avoid the temptation. We?re just trying to help as much as we can.

Anyone remember all of the movie reviews in the Reader that always found a gay subtext to every movie. Imagine what that reviewer could do with IFI/FTN and gang.

It’s not about being Pro-Life, It’s about Being Anti-Sex

Illinois Right to Life attacks a recent study on condom usage reducing the risk of contracting HPV.

The number of times that you see pro-life groups talking about birth control is staggering. Certainly many people who are pro-life are also against birth control given the Catholic Church’s position, but let’s be honest about the program/ It’s not about abortion, it’s about sex.

The basic finding is that condom usage reduces risk, not that there is no risk–that’s what a scientific study does is determine a probability of an event occurring and in this case, condoms reduce the chance of an individual contracting HPV and that is a good thing. Information is good–in fact necessary to make choices. Between this and the crusade against the HPV vaccine, it’s clear that these people are reading Margaret Atwood novels as a how to model.

Here’s a fine piece attacking the HPV Vaccine.

HPV Vaccine?Another Deception of the Culture of Death

This HPV vaccine, my friends, is a classic case of the culture of death playing fast and loose with people?s lives. They use junk science to hook our terribly un-reflective culture on a promise that will benefit only a miniscule portion of the population, and then the false perception of security surrounding their newest ruse hooks everyone else into behaviors and lifestyles that perpetuate the damage and decay our decency.

From the CDC:

On June 8, 2006, an HPV vaccine (manufactured by Merck) was licensed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in females, ages 9-26 years. This vaccine protects against four types of HPV, including two that cause most (70%) cervical cancers (types 16, 18), and two that cause most (90%) genital warts (types 6, 11). The vaccine is given through a series of three injections over a six-month period. The second and third doses should be given two and six months (respectively) after the first dose.

Another HPV vaccine (being developed by GlaxoSmithKline) is in the final stages of clinical testing, but it is not yet licensed. This vaccine would protect against the two types of HPV that cause most cervical cancers.

A 70% reduction in cervical cancer is a bad thing. Really.

Ozzie Guillen: Victim

So says…Petey:

Perhaps Bud Selig needs to send Ozzie Guillen, a man’s man, to coach a baseball team at the upcoming “Gay Games” in Chicago to learn how to “set appropriate tone and example.” Barring that, who better but Chicago’s tolerant gay activists to train Ozzie how to talk, act–and think–correctly?

Or just not to call people derogatory names. Fag comes from the kindling that used to be used to burn homosexuals at the stake. Unless Petey is suggesting such a thing, it might be noted that one can think homosexuality is a sin or wrong or however one might like to characterize it, but one doesn’t have to use epithets, especially one rooted in burning someone at the stake.

It’s called being a grownup. Ozzie could have easily simply called Mariotti and asshole and gotten several amens maybe even from Mariotti who seems to relish the role.

Petey’s Back

Get real, Larry. The issue is X’s homosexuality…

..which is widely … and I mean widely presumed among Republicans. If you’re going to be a “reporter” or even a fair columnist, you can’t give a nugget of the story and leave out the rest:

You wrote in your St. Louis gay rag: “even going as far as asking one central Illinois Republican legislator to deny he was gay after voting for a gay and lesbian civil rights bill”

Obviously, I didn’t query any other Repubs. who voted for the IL gay rights bill about their sexuality. X is a different animal: he likely has a special interest in the subject, or at least that’s what I was trying to confirm.

If X was an outspoken anti-gay legislator, your side would be clamoring to “out” him, and asking questions about “those rumors.” But because he’s pro-gay in a very conservative district, you cover for him and trash me. Interesting.

If you’re so proud of “gay” sexuality, or think it’s innocuous as to character, why do you enable people like X?

I just don’t believe “outing” should be a one-way street that serves your side. –pl

Actually, I’m against outing. Mainly because, I don’t really care what individuals do with other consenting adults. It’s not my business. I have better things to do than worry about that.

In fact, that was a key issue with the Keyes fiasco, but ultimately, I decided that Maya Keyes was an adult and out publicly. Others chose to err on the side of her age and I respect that.

Getting back to X, the logic just doesn’t hold. If the person in question takes a public stance and he sticks to it, that’s his position. The same as other candidate or officials regardless of who they are attracted.

And Peter, the reason you are such a fun target is your bizarre obsession with what other people’s genitals are doing.

I understand and respect that many people disagree with me on issues regarding sexual orientation. However, it’s not that you hold a different position than I do, it’s that you pursue it with such gumption and graphic details. Living, breathing caricatures are great fodder for a blog.

Peter Pride

Tomorrow (Sunday) is the annual Pride Parade in Chicago.

That means that someplace in crowd, mixing with the sweaty scantily clad men and leather daddies, will be our friend, Peter LaBarbera. [Link contains photo.]

Please report any sightings of this intrepid defender of family values. After all, we have to make certain that the right-wing watching are . . . well, watching. After all, how can one be certain that homosexuality is bad and heterosexuality is good unless one walks in the Pride Parade, ogling at every shirtless — and maybe more! — young man, out in the heat after a long march, dancing to disco . . . nevermind, I have to go now.

Oh, by the way: what event would in the Gay Games would be the best for an undercover right winger to enter?