Jennifer Hunter will be leaving and taking the bad prose with her.

Thalacker graciously allowed me to stay at her home and attend the caucus here in Waverly so I could get a sense of real Iowa politics.

Real Iowa politics are thorny, to say the least — not only the caucuses themselves — but the events leading up to them.

Iowa has been on edge for weeks and candidates, both Republican and Democrat, have been hopscotching across the state like Duracell bunnies trying to importune as many voters as they can.

One reading this in Chicago might think of hardball politics in Illinois as being similar to Iowa’s politics.  Now that’s funny. Iowans are nice and while their are deeply committed activists, the reality is that most people participating in the caucuses generally like their neighbors and are polite during the caucuses.

It is quite clear that one particular reporter is just out of crap to write.

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