Rich has a column that wins hand down for the best political column in sometime, but Lynn Sweet’s column on the 3rd District has a great line:

The poll also shows that if enough people know about how William Lipinski sneaked his son into office, it will change their opinion of if he deserves another term. Happy to oblige.

I don’t have high ethical expectations of Illinois politicians, but the Lipinski switch really was quite brazen.

She also mentions those of us who pointed out her blog before it went with a big public announcement–and of course, she’s welcome. I’m a big fan of reporters having a chance to report the small tidbits that don’t fit in a column and have the basic source material available. It’s a huge addition to the news organizations and I am a big fan of her columns anyway.

3 thoughts on “Best Line of the Week”
  1. Sullivan at the South Side St. Patrick’s Day Parade (Sun. 3/12, 11am).

    Yahoo, yeehaa!

    South Side Irish Parade! Join John Sullivan working the crowd.

    Sunday, March 12
    Gathering at 11:00 AM, NE Corner of 103rd & Western Ave. Then join John for an Irish Celebration – Details at the parade!

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