Via Capitol Fax
Class act, that Jerry Weller. Maybe he’s learned a few things from the fiance and soon-to-be-father-in-law.
Yeah, I’m shrill. It takes a lot of guts to accuse someone of being pro-drug legalization and then say your fiancee’s father and political ally is off-limits even though that father is a big reason narcotrafficking is big business in Central America and leading to a weakening of the judicial system down there. Then to push people around because you are too important?
Who the hell is this clown?
I’m hypercritical of Bloomington-Normal for a variety of good reasons, but one thing growing up there taught me was basic manners. Too bad Weller didn’t pick that up as part of the redistricting.
Holy crap.
I didn’t realize it was possible for me to lose respect for Jerry Weller. But I just did.
What’s less than zero?
What’s less than zero?
Go ahead be Shrill, it’s that time of the year and Weller is turning into a boob a huge boob.
Oh for heavens sake, unless you are making a nautical reference, it’s spelled “fairy” or even “faerie.”
Why can’t people who insist on using slurs at least learn how to spell them properly.