Crane goes down!

3 thoughts on “Bean Gives Her Victory Speech!”
  1. Yeah that’s great and all, but I won’t be celebrating. Looking over the Ohio and Florida results tells me that evil triumphed after all.

  2. Yes, it’s great to get rid of Crane. I am happy for her and everyone who supported her. Of the people I donated to, only she (and perhaps Ryg at the state level) won. But all is means is that a Blue state gets blue-er. In the big picture, we are screwed.

    I’m actually a pretty good Cassandra. I’ll tell you now that I was predicting Bush would be just as horrible and devisive as he turned out to be in 2000 when everyone thought he would govern from the center. (I didn’t predict 9/11 of course, which gave him even more authority to strip away civil liberties).

    What’s going to happen this time around? Three Supremes leave, the Dems try to fillibuster Bush’s awful choices and the Senate goes the nuclear route, ultimately stripping away the ability to block judges and perhaps legislation with 40 votes. It’s going to be a fucking nightmare, and I am starting to make plans to leave the country.

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