Seriously, what kind of a moron would compare Trinity to the Branch Davidians? Sean Hannity.
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Is it really that hard to understand that African-American communities face challenges distinct to being an African-American community? And that Christianity might play a role in that?
BTW, Hannity is trying to claim to being a good Christian in the bit (not work safe)
Prostitution as a family value.
He’s holding a pen. I don’t see any paper or autograph books, so where did he sign his John Hancock for her?
[…] Second, these cons may simply loathe Obama himself. Given the history of vitriol and eye-poking from the likes of conservative bobsy twins Fran Eaton and Jill Stanek that may appear to be the case. On the other hand, that doesn’t explain why cons outside of Illinois like Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Michael Savage and their ilk — who’ve yet to really get to know Obama — would engage in the fallacy-based mud-slinging. […]