A Strange Kind of Complaint

Greg Sargent writes about something some Clinton supporters have written in about concerning Obama on Clinton:

A Hillary supporter writes in to argue that Barack Obama’s comments yesterday about his opposition to the Iraq War are at least somewhat at odds with what he said in October of last year.

According to Reuters, here’s Obama yesterday:

On the day after he formally launched his 2008 White House bid, Obama said on a campaign swing through Iowa that even before the war began it was possible to see the dangerous consequences of a U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.

“Even at the time, it was possible to make judgments that this would not work out well,” the Illinois senator told reporters, indirectly contrasting his stance with presidential rivals Clinton and John Edwards, who both voted to authorize the war in 2002.

But as the Hillary supporter points out, here’s how Obama described his differences with Hillary over Iraq in an interview with The New Yorker in October of 2006:

I think what people might point to is our different assessments of the war in Iraq, although I’m always careful to say that I was not in the Senate, so perhaps the reason I thought it was such a bad idea was that I didn’t have the benefit of U.S. intelligence. And, for those who did, it might have led to a different set of choices. So that might be something that sort of is obvious. But, again, we were in different circumstances at that time: I was running for the U.S. Senate, she had to take a vote, and casting votes is always a difficult test.

The Hillary supporter points out to us that Obama was more forgiving of the pre-war failures of his fellow Dems in that interview than he is now that he’s in the race. Not a huge deal, by any means, but worth noting. We’re passing it along to keep the discussion humming.

Shrug. Okay, he won’t be nice about her incoherent positions anymore if her supporters insist.

2 thoughts on “A Strange Kind of Complaint”
  1. If this is the best Hillary can do, it’s pretty lame. Granted, it’s just a Hillary supporter e-mailing Greg Sargent, not necessarily someone affiliated with her campaign.

    It’s also odd how Hillary’s camp responded to Edwards: “Hey, he ran as a nice guy in 2004, but now he’s not being nice to us!” Funny how she felt compelled to respond at all.

  2. maybe that means the race is on. I always thought once that starts you get a bit snarky about your opponet.

    Hey, Arch, check out the excellent article in Rolling Stone on Obama. it’s called Destiny’s Child. Very cool.

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