Cegelis posts on her fundraising over at Kos

Generally she makes some good points. I’d say one quibble is that if you have a broad donor base, the larger money should follow–and in fact, that is what Christine is trying to do is show she can raise money and do it well. From there, money begets money. So a quibble, not an argument. On her Act Blue page it says nearly $32,000 raised with an average donation of about $70. That’s pretty impressive.

Beyond being an interesting Illinois race (hello–Peter O’Malley a little activity beyond the district), this kind of race isn’t reshaping politics, but it’s demonstrating new techniques and showing a lot of success. What is different from last cycle is we are still 9 months out of the primary and over a year from the general election. For those that were following blogs and on-line activism back in 2003, Dean was just catching on at this point in the cycle and now we are seeing a variety of candidates getting big responses.

There are some downsides to this in many cases, but I think it certainly moves power closer to the grassroots.

5 thoughts on “$9000 In Under 24 Hours”
  1. I don’t know Christint Cegeils, though I am sure she is thoughtful and intelligent.

    But, apropos of little in this entry, I feel compelled to ask if anyone really believes that someone so liberal as to have backed Kucinich (Kucinich!) for president can win in any district that does not include Evanston, Oak Park or Hyde Park?

  2. I think that’s a legitimate question and one that she is going to have to address in the primary. I’ll be doing an e-mail interview with her, and while I don’t ask that specific question, I think it will be generally addressed.

  3. I don’t know Christine Cegeils, though I am sure she is thoughtful and intelligent.

    But, apropos of little in this entry, I feel compelled to ask if anyone really believes that someone so liberal as to have backed Kucinich (Kucinich!) for president can win in any district that does not include Evanston, Oak Park or Hyde Park?

  4. Sorry to post twice — had a little confusion with your multi-posting security checkpoint.

  5. Considering the fact that the GOP will paint anyone with a D after their name as farther to the left than Jesus Christ himself (hippie Jesus, not warrior Jesus), I’m not sure how that matters. Christine’s strengths are her deeply held convictions, practical strategies for helping people, and ability to listen and learn. Voters get that pretty quickly upon meeting her and seeing her.

    In any case, it’s fine to wonder whether someone can win — it’s another thing to put effort toward trying to make that happen! Come volunteer with the campaign and meet some terrific folks, and stand up for our great country. Then you can find out first hand the answer to your question.

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