There Are Actually Some People Who Think He Can Survive This

Not surprisingly they are men.


Dated a masseuse who as also a prostitute, but he didn’t know that even though she was his masseusse

Tried to force his wife to have sex after confessing several affairs

Is behind in child support after blowing $3 million on a race for Lite Guv

Choked his ex-wife at one point

Several incidents of roid rage that scared his kids and included kicking his way in through the garage

Attacked his masseuse/prostitute girlfriend with a knife and the police report indicates actual marks on her

Tormented his wife that she would get an STD because he was sleeping around

Wife had to have other relatives around to feel safe


Let me make what should be a very easy point to understand to anyone with a brain–this dude isn’t going to get the vote of any female in the State of Illinois other than a woman who is so down on herself she’d date this assclown.  Or Drew Peterson.

This is an Elaborate Put-On

From  Shore’s rough transcript of Chicago Tonight:


ponce-she was arrrested for hookers

scott-never knew her as a hooker she was a mssag therapist. this happened at rough time in my life. I understand it looks bad. I tried to put it out.

ponce-what happedn in appartment

scott-we had altercation. it was a fight. next thing I know she called police.

ponce-how did you meet her

scott-at her massage place-she was my massesuse.


This is not going to be a happy ending.



BTW–many thanks  and a great job to Shore for his work liveblogging  it over in comments at Capitol Fax.

Cohen Owes Back Child Support

Is this an elaborate put on?


(not embedding properly so follow the links and watch the video there)


I mean, you spend $3 million on a run for Lite Guv and you don’t pay child support.



On Thursday, Cohen denied those allegations, saying they were typical of divorce proceedings.

“Absolutely not true,” Cohen said. “You’ll have the opportunity to talk to her and she can clarify some of this. You’ve got to remember in a divorce it gets nasty. Untrue things get said and things get over-exaggerated.”




She also accused him Thursday of trying to choke her before their marriage.


I dont’ think clarify means what Cohen thinks it means.

At the time he was going through a different phase

I’m just not sure this helps:


Cohen and his wife Debra were in the midst of a messy divorce. Court records indicate she got an order of protection against her husband. In her petition she says Mr. Cohen was taking injectable steroids and had an erratic, explosive temper.

Mrs. Cohen said her husband confessed several affairs, then tried to force her to have sex. Debbie Cohen York says she now supports her ex.

“At the time he was going through a different phase. He was a different person than he is now,” said Debbie Cohen York.

“I never touched anyone. It’s not my style. It’s not me,” said Cohen.


Ahhhh…the ‘roid rage, promiscuous, attempted rape stage so many guys go through.  Heard of it often.

Just Save Yourself What Little Dignity You Have Left

Via Rich


Divorce file:

“Over the past year my husband has been taking injectable anabolic steroids,” Cohen’s then-wife Debra York-Cohen said in a statement during their separation proceedings. “As a result he has an erratic and explosive temper.”

As a result of the allegations Cohen, who’s not the Democratic nominee for Lt. Governor, was ordered by a Cook County Circuit Court to undergo “initial and periodic substance testing.”

The divorce documents also allege that Cohen’s steroid use contributed to periodic episodes of violence against his family.

“On or about May 1st 2005, Scott came home in a fit of rage,” reads the statement. “Scott began swearing and cussing and an altercation began to ensue between Scott and our son. During this altercation the other kids were upstairs hysterically crying.”


And, I mean, who doesn’t want to have sex with your spouse after he admits to multiple affairs:

“He knows how concerned I am since he admitted to me that he has been sleeping around and is constantly taunting me about getting a sexual disease,” she said in court filings.

“He was physically abusive to me many years ago,” she added. “He has even brought women into our home and in my bed, with no regard to whether the (four) children are home.”

Among the specific allegations in her petition, Debra Cohen claimed that on May 9, 2005, after repeatedly “coming home at all hours in the middle of the night” for several days, Scott Lee Cohen confessed to several affairs and tried to have sex with her.

“Despite my refusals, he tried to force himself on me, until I pushed him away and emphatically told him no,” Debra Cohen claimed in the petition.


The petition also includes allegations that Scott Lee Cohen repeatedly threatened Debra Cohen in writing after she filed for divorce.

“Ever since I filed for divorce (Scott Lee Cohen) continually threatens me in writing, by leaving me intimidating notes,” she alleged. “He stopped leaving me handwritten notes on paper, when he discovered I just take them down. Now he leaves harassing messages on my mirror in lipstick, so everyone, including my grandchildren who live with me can see these notes.”

She said she became so afraid of Scott during their marriage that she often asked her sister and mother to stay with her because she was afraid to be alone with him.

She claimed that one night, when Scott forgot his house keys, he kicked in the garage door to get inside while the rest of the family was sleeping. She also said she called police on several occasions to remove Scott from the house, in front of their children.


No dead bunnies reported so far. But now we will have every one of those police reports dug up.  And rightfully so.


Dude is like Jack Ryan meets Blair Hull meets Charlie Sheen.


UPDATE:  Forgot a little  Gary Skoien:

“He has even brought women into our home and in my bed, with no regard to whether the (four) children are home.”

Because It Worked So Well Last Time

Shut up Adlai:


Former U.S. Sen. Adlai Stevenson — who formed a third party to run for governor in 1986 rather than share the same ticket as two disciples of Lyndon H. LaRouche — said Gov. Quinn faces the same political reality in dealing with running mate Scott Lee Cohen.

“It would be very difficult for Pat Quinn, in good conscience, to run for governor with this fellow tied to him as if they’re joined at the hip,” Stevenson told the Sun-Times today.

“One answer is to do what I did, namely to resign the nomination and run as an independent with a different lieutenant governor candidate,” he said. “Of course, they can try to talk [Cohen] out of it, but I’m skeptical as to whether that would work.”


It didn’t work last time and it won’t work this time.  The better solution is, first to see if there is a way to get Cohen to resign, and if not, marginalize him and then use it as the way to get rid of the office.  Oh, and have standing articles of impeachment if Quinn dies and just move on down the line of succession.

And McKenna Pushes for Brady

From the inbox:

“I want to express my deep and heartfelt thanks to all the friends and supporters who were so generous to the McKenna-Murphy campaign.

“While we may have fallen a few votes short, we were able to successfully carry our message of cutting spending and not raising taxes across Illinois.  Given the current fiscal mess in Illinois, we hope all Republicans will join us in standing up for hard-working taxpayers and demanding more accountability and fiscal responsibility in Springfield.

“Now that Democrats appear to be coming together as a Party, Republicans must do the same.  There is simply too much at stake in this election to allow Party infighting to distract us from our mission.  Based upon the numbers available today, we stand ready to support Bill Brady who appears headed for the nomination, or whoever is declared the eventual winner.  We look forward to the process completing itself soon and working with our nominee to win in November.”

I’d say he doesn’t want Dillard winning a recount.

Lamb to the Lions

Scott Lee Cohen:

“I have no intention of stepping down or stepping aside. When the facts come to light, after my ex-wife and ex-girlfriend speak, the people of Illinois can decide, and I will listen to them directly. I am asking my ex-wife and ex-girlfriend to come forward and to talk with the media.

There are questions, and I will provide all answers honestly and openly. I only ask for time to do the interviews. 2005 was a difficult time in my life. I was going through a divorce, and I started running with a fast group. I was in a tumultuous relationship with the woman I was dating. We had a fight, but I never touched her. She called the police, however, she never came to court, and the charges were dismissed. I realized this relationship was not healthy, I ended it, and we parted amicably.”


What he doesn’t understand is how the media narrative works. To his credit, Cohen tried to get a bunch of this out before the election.  No one paid any attention, however.  The problem now is that he has entered into the consciousness of the press under an ethical cloud and will have them, with the help of the Illinois GOP and some Democrats, digging through every aspect of his life and very few people can stand up to that scrutiny.