“I have no intention of stepping down or stepping aside. When the facts come to light, after my ex-wife and ex-girlfriend speak, the people of Illinois can decide, and I will listen to them directly. I am asking my ex-wife and ex-girlfriend to come forward and to talk with the media.
There are questions, and I will provide all answers honestly and openly. I only ask for time to do the interviews. 2005 was a difficult time in my life. I was going through a divorce, and I started running with a fast group. I was in a tumultuous relationship with the woman I was dating. We had a fight, but I never touched her. She called the police, however, she never came to court, and the charges were dismissed. I realized this relationship was not healthy, I ended it, and we parted amicably.”
What he doesn’t understand is how the media narrative works. To his credit, Cohen tried to get a bunch of this out before the election. No one paid any attention, however. The problem now is that he has entered into the consciousness of the press under an ethical cloud and will have them, with the help of the Illinois GOP and some Democrats, digging through every aspect of his life and very few people can stand up to that scrutiny.
Cohen is handling this a lot better than John Edwards. And it’s not nearly as creepy. Politician, hooker, altercation…. I mean this is the closest thing to a traditional scandal we’ve seen in either party in a long time…
That’s probably why the Dems want him overboard… Traditional values… a guy’s guy…Maybe they all want Cohen gone because he’s a step above what we’ve been getting. Think Edwards, think Spitzer, think McGreevy, think Foley, think Ensign….
You can keep Ensign (and Sanford, Vitter, Craig, etc) all to yourself. 😉
See, SEE! Rob gets it! 😀
Hynes for lt guv!
Or Turner. Turner would be a hard worker at turning the position into something useful, and somehow I doubt he’s ever had knife fights with prostitutes from Glenview.