August 2008

He Isn’t Even Old Enough to Remember the Cold War

Schock inserts his foot in his mouth again:

“The last time we had this level of socialism being proposed and inexperience at the helm was JIMMY CARTER,” said Schock (who was born four months after Democrat Carter left office in 1981).

I later asked Schock what he meant by the “level of socialism” Obama represents.

“Well, he’s promoting what I would term a government takeover of the health system,” Schock said. “He has said he wants to mandate free college tuition for every student in America.

“Unlike TED KENNEDY (he meant JACK KENNEDY, of course) who said, don’t ask what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country … he (Obama) says, we’re the wealthiest country in the world; you should get this, you should get that. You’re entitled to this, you’re entitled to that. To me, that’s a move toward socialism.”

Schock was not specific, at that point, on Obama’s programs.

“I’m familiar with what his work was here at the state Capitol, and to me, the best indicator of future behavior is past behavior,” Schock said. “And he has supported what I would consider to be socialistic moves on health care as a state senator.”

“I don’t remember the exact bills,” he said.

JUSTIN DeJONG, the new Illinois spokesman for the Obama campaign, called Schock’s statement on health care misleading and said Schock’s description goes farther than what Obama advocates regarding college costs.

An Obama fact-check Web site says that “Obama has consistently said that if we were starting from scratch, he would support a single-payer system, but now we need to build on the system we have.”

On higher education, Obama wants to create a “universal and fully refundable (tax) credit (that) will ensure that the first $4,000 of a college education is completely free for most Americans and will cover two-thirds the cost of tuition at the average public college or university and make community college tuition completely free for most students.”

Does Aaron Schock really want to try and play the inexperience card? Seriously…

Emil Is Stepping Down

And the story breaks the night before my daughters first day in Kindergarten.

Anyway, go over to Rich’s and check out his stuff.

Initial thoughts–Ricky Hendon will never be Senate President.

Rich beat me to the 1981 reference of the Banana Republic.

The Governor has to be in full scale panic to not have Emil covering his backside for two years.

The Governor is probably delusionally trying to come up with a Banana Republic type scenario.  Of course, some people actually liked Jim Thompson.

Fun Neocon Plays–Push Two Countries Into War by Implying to One the US Has Their Back

While many have pointed out the disaster that is our response to Georgia, it’s important to note that Scheunemann is following the same strategy for Georgia that Rumsefeld attempted with Taiwan and China.

Fortunately, Rumsfeld had adult supervision with Powell sending his guys behind to clean up the mess.  This time, there’s no one to clean up and the Georgian President seems to think the US will save his ass for a poor game of brinksmanship–and many of the neocons are trying to do just that.

Another 4 years of this kind of foreign policy insanity cannot happen–it has a significant chance of blowing up into something much more than just a small regional war and further provocation by these twits will end in a disaster on a far greater scale.

When the Shields Known as Children Turn On Him

Rich has the video


Not that a junior in High School is a child, but you get the picture.  Just a profile in courage that Governor is.

Last line:  “What’s the matter? Does everyone down here lie to you so you assume everything is a lie?”

I actually think the Blagojevich being confused with Daley story is at worst a bit of a tall tale and not something to worry about, however, the Governor has killed irony and run back over it with his truck.

Lucky To Have a Job

That’s the way to motivate the troops.

They later went to the Democratic rally, where many of them booed Gov. Rod Blagojevich as he began speaking. Blagojevich said the union workers “have nothing to worry about. They’ll get the health care they deserve.”

He then called on AFSCME to help get a capital bill passed that will create jobs.

“They’re lucky to have a job, and they have health care,” Blagojevich said of the state workers. “They’re going to keep their jobs and keep their health care. Now, start helping us create jobs for other people and provide health care to other people.”

I generally hate comparisons of government to business because government does the things business won’t do naturally.  That said, imagine a CEO saying that to his employees.

There is someone lucky to have a job and it ain’t the AFSCME members.

Thanks John

Zip it up jackass

John Edwards repeatedly lied during his Presidential campaign about an extra-marital affair with a novice film-maker, the former Senator admitted to ABC News today.

In an interview for broadcast tonight on Nightline, Edwards told ABC News correspondent Bob Woodruff he did have an affair with 42-year old Rielle Hunter, but said that he did not love her.

Edwards also denied he was the father of Hunter’s baby girl, Frances Quinn, although the one-time Democratic Presidential candidate said he has not taken a paternity test.

Edwards said he knew he was not the father based on timing of the baby’s birth on February 27, 2008. He said his affair ended too soon for him to have been the father.

A former campaign aide, Andrew Young, has said he was the father of the child.

I don’t care much about his personal life, but doing it during a Presidential campaign is reckless and while it won’t have any lasting effect since he’s not the nominee, he screws up several news cycles and everyone knows the chattering class can’t stop talking about sex–unless it involves diapers.