Today’s Tosser

I’m saving the Daily Dolt

Fran Eaton, still pushing the Jeremiah Wright is a black supremacist story line even though she can’t identify a black supremacist belief held by Wright.

The real problem would seem to be here:

nor his vile hatred of George W. Bush.

W. isn’t too popular in the black community, Fran. There are many, many good reasons for that, but disliking George Bush isn’t being a black supremacist. It’s being with about 65% of the public in the US, slightly more in Illinois, and a hell of a lot more in Trinity’s community.

Indonesian Story on Obama

Is translated on this blog–if you get past the weirdness about how Obama hasn’t been wanting to talk about the experience when he actually highlights it in both books and is willing to answer questions, but is just now being asked the specifics, the story provides a decent understanding of his time in Indonesia.

And funny enough, that matches the exact information Eric Zorn got from David Axelrod.

And this former page indicates that Besuki is, wait for it, a public school.

They are referencing Frontline to point out that the Saudi’s didn’t start sending money for madrassas until late in the 1970s, but frankly this is sort of a common knowledge point for anyone who has a basic understanding of Middle East history (yes, Indonesia isn’t in the Middle East, but the relevant notion of Saudi Arabia funding radicals is the point).

The bit about Suharto is a bit more complicated, but essentially correct–Muslim students were part of the coalition he used when he undertook the coup, but they were not Islamist students.

The lesson here is that expect this to only get worse for all of the Democratic candidates. Loons and their publications will create thousands of rumors with just enough to them to make sure the regular press checks them out and puts them in print even if to debunk them. And reading the comment thread over at Eric’s you see one particular twit who still thinks it’s a credible story.

For extra fun, you can find many folks who attended Besuki on Friendster–though it’s hard to tell if it’s a district in some cases or the particular elementary school. None of the pics seem to be of Islamists and in fact, there is quite the international flavor of past school attendees with many having moved around the world.

Keyes’ Company

The title refers to amazing feats of right wing baloney

Today’s winner: Insight Magazine, a magazine funded by weird religious cult leader, gets into the Obama is really a dangerous Muslim with ties to terrorism because he went to a predominantly muslim school. There’s some irony there.

And Fox News gets in on the lie

There are several problems with the idea, but the most central problem is that it is completely and profoundly ignorant of history. Obama is 10 years older than I am. I was in 5th grade in about 1981. He would have been going back to Hawaii in 1971. Madrassas built by Saudis and espousing Wahabism in different countries didn’t start until the huge increase in oil during the 1970s. So he left before the Saudis started to even undertake the expansion of madrassas in other countries. Oops.

Now, we don’t know from the books whether Obama even attended a madrassa. He said he went to a predominantly Muslim school which would be most schools in Indonesia including the public school system and private schools. Madrassas of the time would have stressed some study of the Koran, but also been fairly broad in the form of instruction, especially compared to today’s madrassas that are Saudi funded and Islamist.

Public schools in Indonesia teach religion–as many conservatives here would like to….

The Daily Dolt

Mike Allen:

BECK: Unfortunately, not all of it is going to look exactly like that masterpiece many Americans have painted in their heads. Mike Allen is Time magazine’s White House correspondent. Is Barack Obama the non-crazy Ross Perot, and we’re just on a first date with him?

ALLEN: Well, Glenn, all this talk of grilled caribou is making me hungry, but I’ll try to focus on the matter at hand. Glenn, you’re right. Senator Obama is smoking right now, no doubt about it. You’re right that none of those other candidates, Republicans or Democrats, are getting their picture with no shirt in People magazine as they try to have a beach vacation. And I think the Ross Perot analogy is a good one. You’re right that right now people are projecting onto Senator Obama what they hope to see in a politician. But, you know, that’s not a bad thing. And it’s certainly not a bad place for Senator Obama to be positioned.

The question, Glenn, is whether people like the idea of Senator Obama in the way that you’re describing, this sort of post-partisan, after November ’06, “why can’t we get along?” How will they feel as they learn more about Senator Obama, as they fill in the strokes, as you say? And, Glenn, that’s already starting to happen today.

There was an Associated Press story today about the liberal votes that Senator Obama took when he was a state senator in Illinois. Now, one of his colleagues points out to me that none of these are likely to hurt him in a Democratic primary, but there’s probably not many people who watched that clip of Senator Obama saying at the convention, “We worship an awesome God in the blue states, too,” who know that Senator Obama had 100 percent from Planned Parenthood when he was in the state legislature.

From the Call to Renewal Speech

I think that we should put more of our tax dollars into educating poor girls and boys. I think that the work that Marian Wright Edelman has done all her life is absolutely how we should prioritize our resources in the wealthiest nation on earth. I also think that we should give them the information about contraception that can prevent unwanted pregnancies, lower abortion rates, and help assure that that every child is loved and cherished.

But, you know, my Bible tells me that if we train a child in the way he should go, when he is old he will not turn from it. So I think faith and guidance can help fortify a young woman’s sense of self, a young man’s sense of responsibility, and a sense of reverence that all young people should have for the act of sexual intimacy.

For those whining about triangulation, this is the point of that speech–to reframe the debate so morons like Allen understand many people of faith have different views on reproductive rights. In some cases that extends to abortion and even when it doesn’t it very often includes sensible sex education and contraception access.