Bennett on S-CHIP

Statement of Mayor Jerry Bennett (Candidate for
Congress, IL-3) re Bush Veto of SCHIP Bill

"As a small business owner and Mayor, I have always
made sure my employees and those working for the City
of Palos Hills have quality, affordable health care
because it is devastating to be without coverage.
George W. Bush’s veto of health insurance for children
is outrageous and an all-too-familiar example of why
need experienced leaders in Congress who can be
effective on key issues such as comprehensive health
care – especially for the youngest and most vulnerable
in America."

Also, missed this one in the inbox about Mayoral Endorsements for Bennett after the flip

66 Mayors Endorse Jerry Bennett for Congress

Mayors in 3rd CD, Southside and Across Chicagoland
Join Bennett, Call for Change in Congress

[HOMETOWN, Illinois] – Surrounded by local leaders at
the VFW Hall in Hometown – one of Chicago’s southwest
suburbs – Palos Hills Mayor and 3rd Congressional
District candidate Jerry Bennett today announces 66
mayors from across the region and state of Illinois
endorse his campaign for the February 5th Democratic
Primary Election to bring much-needed change to
Washington, DC.

A driving force among municipal leaders throughout the
Southland, greater Chicago region and entire state,
Bennett is serving his 27th year in office, he leads
the Southwest Conference of Mayors, he chairs the
Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning and he is
President-elect of the Illinois Municipal League.

“Mayors, municipal leaders and voters are supporting
my campaign in large numbers because we need a change
in Congress,” says Bennett. “I have lived and worked
my entire life on Chicago’s South Side and suburbs
with no ambition other than to serve our community.
Congressman Lipinski is letting us down. We need a
true Democrat in Congress and I’m running to bring
real change to Washington, DC.”

No other candidate running for the United States House
of Representatives in the 3rd Congressional District
can match the decades of service and civic
accomplishments of Mayor Bennett.

"Jerry Bennett is a proven leader and he will be a
strong voice for our cities and communities in
Congress," says Oak Lawn Mayor Dan Heilmann.

Joining Bennett today are mayors from across the 3rd
Congressional District and the region, including Mayor
Don Roberton (Hometown), Mayor Robert Straz (Palos
Heights), Mayor Irene Brody (Robbins), Mayor Alan
Nowaczyk (Willow Springs) and Mayor Ed Zabrocki
(Tinley Park).

Mayor Don Roberton of Hometown says, "I've worked with
Jerry on economic development projects for our
community.  He understands our area's needs, and will
be an effective voice in Congress."

Another Mayor from the Congressional District – Mayor
Alan Nowaczyk of Willow Springs – adds, "local and
federal officials will need to work together to face
the challenges of the future.  Bennett has a clear
vision for making our region a vibrant, healthy, and
safe place to live and work."

During his tenure as mayor, Jerry Bennett founded
Southwest Central Dispatch – a life-saving emergency
action center that coordinates police, fire and EMT
response. As founder of the Southwest Conference of
Mayors and President of the Illinois Municipal League,
Bennett leads the way on coordinating critical public
works, infrastructure and economic development
initiatives benefitting residents and businesses
regionally and statewide.

“Mayors are on the front lines of all public policy
matters, delivering services and ensuring the quality
of life for the very communities in which they live,”
says Orland Park Mayor and Bennett Campaign Co-Chair
Dan McLaughlin. “We need a mayor like Jerry Bennett in
Congress to fight for real change.”

Read More

Footlik Endorsed by IFT Local 504

IFT Local 504 Endorses Footlik in the 10th District


Local President: “Footlik has the experience and political savvy to beat Mark Kirk”


Highland Park – The Illinois Federation of Teachers Local 504 endorsed Jay Footlik today for the democratic nomination in Illinois’ 10th congressional district.  Local 504 represents over 6,000 teachers and education paraprofessionals within the 10th district, making it the largest union operating within the district.


“After meeting with both candidates, it was clear to me that Jay Footlik has the experience, commitment and political savvy necessary to beat Mark Kirk,” said Mike McGue, Local 504’s President. “We endorsed Dan Seals last time, but this time we are proud to stand with Jay Footlik.  Jay will be able to hit the ground running in Washington and deliver education solutions that are in line with our values.”


Local 504 has a history of standing up for electable and experienced candidates before the rest of the political establishment recognizes their viability.  In 2003, Local 504 supported Barack Obama in the race for the democratic nomination for Senate.  Like Senator Obama’s run, there were few unions willing to meet with both candidates prior to their endorsement.  And like Senator Obama’s run, Local 504 met with both candidates and made their recommendation based on the quality and electability of each.


“We ask a lot from our teachers and education workers, and they deserve a Representative in Congress who supports them,” Footlik said.  “I am proud to have earned the support of Local 504, and proud to stand with them as we move forward.”


The Lake County Federation of Teachers, Local 504, is an affiliate of the Illinois Federation of Teachers, the American Federation of Teachers and the AFL-CIO.

When Parody Can’t Match Reality

 Zahm appears in comments:

  1. Anonymous Says:
    I thought Zahm was the Village idiot in Maple Park….
  2. Jon Zahm Says:
    Good try, anonymous.

    Lost by 19 votes as a 1.5 year resident versus a
    60 year resident after getting smeared by an anonymous lie piece 3 days before the election.

    My libel case is still in court despite two powerful law firms trying to have it dismissed.

    Who are you, anonymous chicken?

The lawyers of the 14th have to be salivating at the business coming their way.

How to Win Friends and Influence People

Lauzen is up to being Lauzen:

                                                                                                December 10,  2007



To the Editors and Congressman Hastert,


            Congressman Hastert, I respect you and appreciate your more than 25 years of public service.  As one of the recently most powerful men in America, I ask that, rather than taking a predominant role in the coming Republican Primary election by endorsing any individual, please let the people decide.


            Any candidate running for the Republican nomination to succeed you would feel honored by your endorsement.  However, out of respect for the people whom we all serve and for the future unity of the Republican Party in this area, I respectfully request that you remain neutral before the primary and support whomever the Republican voters select after the Primary on February 5, 2008.


            You have demonstrated through your recent action of early resignation that you wish to set aside the public duty to which we elected you.  At first, I was very concerned that your health was failing somehow, and I sympathized with you and your family.  But, you have assured us repeatedly that there is no health problem and we are relieved on your behalf.


            Many folks express their wonder to me about the apparent necessity to spend

$1 Million of taxpayer funds that could better be spent on national security, healthcare, or education, on the March 8, 2008 Special Election.  Now that you are stepping away from your official duties, I believe that citizens and voters would be distressed if you reassert yourself and use your considerable clout to influence the outcome of an impending primary.


            Most people to whom I listen are pretty sick these days of the results that have been produced by big money and big clout in Washington, D.C. and Springfield.  You can provide leadership by letting the people decide and using your very substantial experience and skills to coach your successor.  In this way, you are a winner no matter whom the people choose.


            Again, thank you for your service; we respect you.


                                                                                                Very sincerely,




                                                                                                Christopher J. Lauzen

 I believe the response forthcoming if fuck you too.

Clinton Hits Stage Three

 Of Tucker McElroy’s 7 Stages of Barack.

3. Holy shit, in his book he talks about doing blow, this could hurt him big time.

Worse, it’s a lame ass passive aggressive attempt:

In an interview, Shaheen said, he remains perplexed about why, at this fraught point in history, voters and the media are not giving more attention to experienced Democratic candidates such as Sens. Chris Dodd and Joe Biden and are instead elevating into the first tier alongside Clinton a pair of candidates with less experience in Washington, Barack Obama and John Edwards. Shaheen also expressed his personal misgivings about whether Obama or Edwards would be electable if they became the party’s nominee.

Among his concerns about Obama as the nominee, he said in an interview here today, is that his background is so relatively unknown and that the Republicans would do their best to unearth negative aspects of it, or concoct mistruths about it. Shaheen, a lawyer and influential state power broker, mentioned as an example Obama’s use of cocaine and marijuana as a young man, which Obama has been open about in his memoir and on the trail.

“The Republicans are not going to give up without a fight … and one of the things they’re certainly going to jump on is his drug use,” said Shaheen, the husband of former N.H. governor Jeanne Shaheen, who is planning to run for the Senate next year. Billy Shaheen contrasted Obama’s openness about his past drug use — which Obama mentioned again at a recent campaign appearance in New Hampshire — with the approach taken by George W. Bush in 1999 and 2000, when he ruled out questions about his behavior when he was “young and irresponsible.”

Shaheen said Obama’s candor on the subject would “open the door” to further questions. “It’ll be, ‘When was the last time? Did you ever give drugs to anyone? Did you sell them to anyone?'” Shaheen said. “There are so many openings for Republican dirty tricks. It’s hard to overcome.”

There is a solution to the problem. Answer honestly.   I know, shocking idea.