April 2003

The Lyndon LaRouche Award

Unlike Sully, I don’t take awards seriously, but David Duke’s serving time is too much to pass up.

Quote of the article:

A month after the Discover Islam appearance, Duke’s attorney and prosecutors finally reached a plea arrangement and Duke returned to the United States from a visit to Austria. As he prepares for prison, some supporters are worried he may be a target of violence. A spokesman at the Big Spring prison said no decisions have been made on whether to provide special protection for Duke.

David Duke may not be liked by the prison population? No kidding…

Just How Stupid Are These People?

Matt Welch has been on a tear about Cuba. I generally poo-poo most complaints about people who support Castro because, well I don’t know anyone who will argue anything good about the guy. The best I’ve ever heard is that constructive engagement might have good effects. I classify this as naive, but hardly pro-Castro. Welch proves me wrong with this post.

I don’t support the embargo because I generally think a policy that fails to achieve its objective after 40 years is probably not going to do much good for another 40 years that Castro seems hellbent on living. I also would argue that US capital would be the best way to weaken his hold on power. That being said, he is a nasty and brutish dictator and we absolutely should have our interest section telling the truth about opression in Cuba.

The Wrong Question for the ‘Human Rights Exception’

Kevin Drum tentatively supports a Human Rights Exception in a limited way meaning that the world should look at removing regimes that have human rights records that are appalling.

I think this is putting the cart before the horse.
Before we start knocking off dictators and the sort in the name of humans rights abuses, wouldn’t the first step be to stop actively aiding regimes that behave badly?

Let’s see…Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Uzbekistan, etc. And don’t forget some of our closer projects that are headed towards the same problems such as Honduras and Colombia.

The reality of living in a dangerous world is that you have to use some unsavory people to protect one’s position in the world. Recognizing that, we don’t need as many as we support. Before we start popping off other countries, let’s start by removing active support of those we safely can remove our support.

Since I just linked to Kevin, let me endorse this post. Reynolds used to be fun to parody because he had his blind spots, now it is almost like a self-parody every time I read his site.

Now That’s Funny

In a desperate attempt to be a victim, Bill O’Reilly claimed his column was pulled from the Orange County Register because he was pro-war.

But the paper has a different take:

"We published a number of his columns throughout the fall and into the spring," said Taylor. "Then we started to notice something. The columns were more and more about Bill O?Reilly and Bill O?Reilly?s television show and what happened to Bill O?Reilly on Bill O?Reilly?s television show."