Zogby On-Line Poll

It’s on-line so who knows how accurate it is, though they do try to sample underrepresented groups.

Blagojevich: 39.7
Topinka: 38.7

+/- 2.9%

Blagojevich: 45.7%
Brady: 36.1%

I assume the Oberweis numbers are in the full pdf which I don’t have–if you do, I’d appreciate it if you could pass it along.

9 thoughts on “Zogby On-Line Poll”
  1. While Judy may seem like she will do better against Blagojevich in the general election. When it comes to actually voting the moderate democrats will stick with Blagojevich as the poll on democrat support for Blagojevich shows. It’s the conservatives in the democratic party that are more likely to vote for a republican and they won’t be voting for Judy.

    I think the interesting number is that Brady is with in 2 points of Judy even with advantage in name recognition.

  2. I hear from a reliable source that Zogby shows Oberweis trailing Blago by 11, Brady trailing by the nine shown above, and the other two much further back.

    Nice to finally see Brady competitive. I can’t imagine the damage an Oberweis victory would heap onto the party.

    I think if Brady can make himself known, Oberweis will end up a non-factor, because many of us conservatives can’t imagine a scenario, even if Judy is the only alternative, where we could vote for the milkman. We just don’t know Brady well yet.

    But Brady being able to get his name out there is a big if. We’ll see what happens the next few weeks.

    And Cal, if you’re going to dis any polls, how about a story about Oberweis using a poll done by a firm owned by his campaign manager and McKenna’s poll for the party that only included about 200 Republican voters. C’mon. Gotta give Zogby’s poll of over 1,100 considerably more credit than that-even if we haven’t all totally bought into his methodology yet.

  3. Judy couldn’t have helped herself much with moderates by picking that ass Joe Birkett as her running mate.

  4. Frustrated
    When Oby released his internal polls he mentioned that his numbers went along with other numbers from the 8th district candidates. The release said 2 candidates and I have asked McSweeney, Salvi and Churchill and Bartells and all said that the numbers go along with the ones they have seen.
    You have to ask why would Brady’s numbers go up? has he sent out mailing? No. Been on TV? No. Made direct mail buys to the gun people? No. Life people? No. You have to do something to get your numbers to move, he has done nothing.
    Even Brady’s followers are pissed off that he has a shell of a campaign he has done nothing. He has no field staff. His campaign staff says he will run a Peter Fitzgerald campaign relying on Grassroots people to bring him to victory. Peter Fitzgerald did have Grassroots on his side but he had 3 million in the primary to spend on top of it!!! If you are a conservative it is time you asked Brady to step aside and support the Milkman. Oberweis has the field staff and the money to beat JBT and to have a crossover in the General, nobody else has that not Blago or JBT.

  5. KJB

    You obviously have no clue as to what the Brady campaign is doing if you think they have no field staff. Or you don’t get outside your hometown much…wherever that is.

    No, Brady has not flooded mailboxes with literature like…say…. Gidwitz. While the race is under 60 days, it’s still “early” in relative terms. With no debates until this week, and only Gidwitz on tv, a lot can and will change quickly.

    As for Brady getting out of the race, anyone who thinks he’ll step aside is out of their mind. He’s been running and running hard, and will finish this. My only fear is that he could conceivably pull enough non-social Republicans from Judy to let Oberweis sneak in…..disaster for the already decimated IL GOP.

    Looking forward to seeing Brady on TV and how everyone does in the debates.

    Anyone who thinks Brady should drop out is:

    1) an Oberweis supporter
    2) obviously not concerned about the Republican Party….only about Jim Oberweis
    3) someone with a very short memory. Oberweis can’t win! He’s lost two statewide bids already and been rejected by the party two additional times….in favor of Keyes for God’s sake! How bad is that!

    If Oberweis really thinks he’s appealing enough to voters to win, he should have no fear of Brady being on the ticket. Judging by posts like your’s and Oberweis’s stump “speaches” he obviously IS afraid of Brady. Hopefully we’ll see why soon.

  6. Brady has made a significant radio buy, his people have been on the ground working (especially downstate) and his is the only name anyone can spell.

  7. Governor Daley…oops did I say that out loud I mean Governor Blagojevich needs to go. Illinois needs a downstate democrat or one of the republicans other than Topinka. Born and raised in Illinois and EMBARRESED….

  8. Governor Daley…oops did I say that out loud I mean Governor Blagojevich needs to go. Illinois needs a downstate democrat or one of the republicans other than Topinka. Born and raised in Illinois and EMBARRESED….

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