What’s In the RSS Reader This AM…

Tons of stuff including shady Blagojevich news (big suprise, right?), all things Obama, some 6th CD news, your world champion Chicago White Sox, trouble at the Trib, google searching the government and a few other national things. All after the jump.

First, for the skinny on IL news (and an update on the invasion) head over to Rich’s blog for the morning wrap up and then catch this post for your Blagojevich scandal of the day.

Catch Austin Mayor for some Obama-speak on progressive values and his financial disclosure.

Rick Klau and One Man are laughing.

Hiram gets an interview with the new Duckworth manager.

The Trib is having problems. Check out BuzzMachine’s Jeff Jarvis and the Trib’s own tech blogger Online News Squared for coverage.

And last bit of IL stuff is the Daily Kos inspired South Side Sox coverage of last night’s game, which I missed. I’ve long enjoyed this blog as The Cheat offers a much different perspective on the team. I encourage all White Sox fans to read often. Cubs and Cards fans can find their team blogs by heading here.

Google is searching the government. Wonder if they’ll find anything useful!

Finally, one bit of national news that aggravates me. As a government, we don’t fund the Iraq or Afghanistan conflicts through regular budgeting, we do it by supplementals. Yesterday, the Senate voted unanimously to change that. Hat Tip Think Progress

Enjoy your coffee and doughnuts.

0 thoughts on “What’s In the RSS Reader This AM…”
  1. Why does the change aggravate you? It only makes sense to me. After the first few quarters, war expenses are no longer a surprise or an emergency, so it makes no sense to budget that way.

  2. Rereading that, I think I wrote it poorly. I agree with budgeting it through the normal process.

    I was, and still am, aggravated with the supplementals because they are not as accountable and part of a politically charged game of gotcha the GOP plays with war funding.

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