The site is up and running and has the transcripts of the new ads up on the site highlighting assault weapons and minimum wage. And a stolen photograph. UPDATE: My mistake, Jake’s photo isn’t up there so I’m assuming they figured out there was an issue.
Now, when I say the following, I’m not looking for a debate on assault weapons because my position is nuanced, however, this is a good commercial if you are targeting suburban women where Topinka is stronger than another Republican would be.
And the minimum wage ad ties her to Bush–which is probably her single biggest liability more than George Ryan. As Rich points out, Shrub, is very, very unpopular in Illinois. The only drawback to the strategy is that by pointing out these issues, Blagojevich could be helping her to solidify her base. Well, maybe not.
And while Blagojevich’s numbers are certainly problematic, this isn’t a sign of weakness many take it to be–I’m pretty sure Miller has said it, but I can’t find it–the last person to pull off this early negative campaign was Jim Edgar in 1994 when he defined Dawn Clark Netsch early in the year.
There are $14 million sitting out there to define your opponent as George Bush with a mouth (and yes, I do like Judy in general, but think about the tactic).
Blagojevich’s strategy is to intensify partisan identification. Hardly anyone like G-Rod besides Patti Mell. But it doesn’t matter if RB can make it a strictly partisan mudslinging contest. If he reduces it to voting party ID, he wins.
It’s Topinka that has to persuade people who voted for John Kerry to vote for her. Blagojevich doesn’t need a single Bush voter.