Tom Roeser:

All of this concerns the latest doctrine of political correctness. To criticize the Mormon religion is okay because a white Republican running for president is a Mormon. To criticize the Trinity United Church of Christ pastor is not okay-even though he has talked against the Jews-because Obama belongs to that church and the criticism of his church defines you as a racist. Besides, Jews aren’t that big a deal anymore in the political correct lexicon. They used to be. Not now. The super-sensitive holy of holies category is gay. You are a bigot if you criticize gays. Criticize Jews-aw, well, some of them have it coming.

Who is criticizing the Mormon religion?  I know of many conservative evangelicals and fundamentalists, but not so much in terms of liberals.

Now, when has Wright ‘talked against the Jews?’  He’s criticized actions of the Israeli state, but that’s not attacking a faith, that’s attacking a political position. Notice, how Tom cannot actually offer an instance of antisemitism. Strange that.

One can criticize Wright all they want.  The issue is that people have tried to turn him into a black supremacist by misrepresenting the church’s positions.  The church has been compared to the Branch Davidians.  Now, does anyone think Wright is buggering little girls and declaring himself the Messiah?  Nope. The only guy declaring himself the Messiah and having any actual power is the very conservative Reverend Moon.

That’s not the worst part of the post though:

Well, he has a daughter, that’s so-what. She looks like him which is rather a shame but she accentuates it. Doesn’t care to overcome it. She has horn-rimmed glasses and the same huge teeth but there is so much that can be done with women’s looks-I remember how Eleanor Roosevelt charmed me–that I fully believe Sheila is doing her old man once again, cultivating the art of plainness. She is a law professor at Southern Illinois University. So here’s the drill, liberal-watchers. The liberals are determined to have another go at plain, homely old Paul Simon through his daughter, dowdily dressing dully to show she’s honest. So she’s running as destiny’s tot for mayor of Carbondale and the liberal media hearts up here are going patty-pat, patty-pat.

Does Tom Roeser really want to get in a discussion over looks?

2 thoughts on “Today’s Tosser”
  1. It’s strange how conservatives are so against “political correctness” right up until the point they’re not. What point is that?

    Apparently, it is the point when they see that some folks who have a history of being the victims of lynchings; burnings; school, job and wage discrimination; government spying; and secret, non-consensual medical experiments decide they kinda sorta need to take Christ’s advice and look out for one other.

    Nobody at Trinity United Church of Christ is saying black people should become “supremacists”. They are saying black people are better than they themselves think they are and have a right to act dignified and confident.

    Nobody at Trinity United Church of Christ is saying black should become “separatists”. They are saying that church members should be responsible for their community and work hard to keep it vibrant and strong.

    Nobody at Trinity United Church of Christ is saying they should practice “anti-semistism”. They are saying the state of Israel (not Jewish folks per se, heck, there’s a Muslim in the Israeli Cabinet now) is continuing a system of apartheid and cruel punishment not unlike South Africa. (Of course, this doesn’t bother conservatives, but criticizing it does.)

    Odd how conservatives only demand political correctness when (A) they have to distort facts and tell half-truths in order to (B) attempt to hack apart a potential opponent in a race for the White House.

    Why are these conservative so anti-Christian (to use their own logic — they are speaking out against a Christian pastor and congregation after all)?

    PS Roeser: The people most concerned about Mormonism are your fellow conservatives like James Dobson. And I don’t see repeated stories from Fran Eaton, The Chicago Tribune, The London Telegraph, Tucker Carlson at MSNBC and now Sean “He Likes Blondes” Hannity about how Mormons are separatists, supremacists and anti-semitic. In fact, I don’t see any at all (because there aren’t any).

  2. […] And the dumbest conservative whine has to be the one about Mitt Romney’s Mormonism. They complain that Gov. Romney’s faith is enduring a great deal of scrutiny … so why not Obama’s? The only problem with that gripe is its utter myopia. It is conservatives who are questioning Romney’s faith just as it is conservatives who are infopimping BS about Obama’s faith. The media should listen to every Tom, Dick and Franny just because they can’t be bothered to learn about the basis for Trinity’s tenets? Puh-lease. […]

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