I would talk about Edwards but I’ve heard that you have to go into rehab if you use the word ‘faggot’?

Ann Coulter Everybody. She’s here all week. That’s your Daily Dolt.

Video here

Right before that Multiple Choice Mitt had very nice things to say about her. I think he may need to clarify those remarks.

4 thoughts on “I would talk about Edwards but I’ve heard that you have to go into rehab if you use the word ‘faggot’?”
  1. I was going to talk about Ann Coulter, but in my house, you get stern looks and perhaps even a night on the couch if you use the word FUCKING CUNT, so I guess we’re kind of at an impasse.

  2. Apparently, this is ok because the conservatives have declared war on their neighbors.

    So just accept it for what it is and move along… so says Fran Eaton, who apparently appreciates a good “faggot” remark every now and then as long as it’s directed at her enemy, a Democrat.

    What I can’t figure out is why conservatives are perfectly willing to rationalize a radical like Ann ‘Kill Liberals’ Coulter with remarks like “This is war — against the liberals and what they stand for. We have to use the weapons we have, and war just isn’t pretty and nice. It’s war. These things will happen now and then. Sometimes those on the battlefield won’t shoot and aim like you want them to ideally, but in the process they create havoc for the other side”… (Fran Eaton, 3/5/07, Illinois Review)

    But out of the other side of their mouth they complain that moderate Muslims don’t do enough to publicly chastise and repudiate radical Muslims…

    Yet another fine example of what conservatives are best at: hypocrisy. Of course, she’s not the first conservative radical (and unfortunately won’t be the last) to declare war on her fellow Americans. It’s sad, really.

    Or maybe Fran’s just getting dizzy from all that spinning going on in her head what with trying to keep track of who’s who in her little fantasy world of warcraft (unfortunately, it’s another war based on convenient lies).

  3. I’m sorry but I just found out about this Coulter chick, is she for real or is this some kind of joke? If it’s not a joke I really have to say that the United States really is going to hell in a hand basket, or in the famous words of NOFX the idiots are taking over! Up here in Canada we make people like her wear their red hockey helmets so they don’t bump their heads while getting on the short bus to go to their “special” classes. She is just a retard that everyone should ignore, maybe that way she’ll just crawl back under a rock and rot there.

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