Roskam is an incredibly effective guy at appearing moderate, but at the same time he’s unapologetically a movement conservative. I’d probably compare him closest to Todd Akin in Congress now in being a guy who votes exactly the way he says he will–very conservative.
The contrasts between Duckworth and Roskam could not be clearer and it will be fascinating to see hos this plays out.
Are there photos? I foresee Ducworth attack commercials built around ‘With a Little Help from my Friends’, ‘Getting to Know You’ or the ilk.
Roskam and DeLay? Roskam and Cheney?
If Duckworth can get a picture of Roskam with Keyes, this one might be over.
I could also see Rod doing a commercial like this, especially with footage like her polka-ing with George Ryan and Bush mispronouncing Birkett’s name. And if there’s a photo of Topinka with Keyes out there, that one might be over too.