The Speaker Calls DA Coach

This appears to be the real deal, Speaker Hastert is trying to connect with Mike Ditka. Furthermore, look for a presser on Wednesday at Navy Pier. The Republican State Party is looking to announce with big Republican names coming out in support of a Ditka candidacy. If they can’t announce definitively, look for a show of support the way I understand it.

14 thoughts on “The Speaker Calls DA Coach”
  1. Desperation play

    Via Archpundit:This appears to be the real deal, Speaker Hastert is trying to connect with Mike Ditka. Furthermore, look for a presser on Wednesday at Navy Pier. The Republican State Party is looking to announce with big Republican names coming out in …

  2. Ditka’s a moron. He got lucky in 85 and he’s been riding that fame ever since. I’m ashamed to live in a state that would seriously consider him a candidate. At least I’m not a republican.

  3. Had lunch w/IL GOP bigwig. They didn’t take Ditka movement seriously as of Friday.

    He’s media savvy, smart (NFL is a chess match) and it would be fun to watch Obama deal with him.

    Jim Bunning, Jack Kemp and what’s his name from Seattle have done okay in recent years — not to mention conservative’s favorite DB from OK.

    My choice to replace Jack! is Cameron Findlay. Why, you ask? He will set himself up, and conservatives up for a successful future. Findlay does well before all audiences. He has real credentials as a fmr. Dep. Labor Sec.

  4. The Fact is only Ditka can beat Barrack LaBamba at this point. Anyone else will start 25 points behind, and fundraisers won’t throw money down a black hole.

  5. I think the GOP has thrown in the towel on this race which is precisely why Ditka may be a good idea. I dont think they expect him to win. Hell, I dont think they WANT him to win – and deal with the repercussions of such a sea change in state-wide politics. Win or Lose, he will play very well in suburban districts (like Cranes) where they were running a serious risk of losing seats. The Ditka choice could go a long way towards stemming the colateral damage of the ass-kicking the GOPers are going to get on the presidential level and, most likely, the senate level.

  6. Hell, I’ve been making the Gephardt joke–though let’s make it clear here that there is interest on both sides, but this is far from a done deal. I’m not making that prediction. But there is movement and I think both sides are serious.

  7. This is not a year when a la Jesse Ventura all sides are fed up with the quality of candidates and will vote for anyone sounding like he’s “of the people”. Even the Trib poll leans slightly against right now, even with the Chi media loving and pumping up this crap.

    Only one side is fed up right now — the Leaderettes. (plus the obnoxious woman who keeps spamming us about keeping Jack on the ballot)

    This would be like a Hail Mary with 6 seconds left on the clock and no time outs and me standing in the end zone yelling “I got it, I got it!”

    You’d also have to draft Buddy Ryan to make D look good, and last I looked we can’t have 3 senators.

    Luckily most of the sports bar types don’t even bother to vote. They just make a lot of noise. Hey, Ditka isn’t even registered to vote according to Trib!

  8. Ditka would be great in the U.S. Senate. There is a big push out there for Coach Ditka.

    There is already an undercurrent of popular support. The discussion forums across the web are on fire with discussion of a candidacy, some t-shirts are already surfacing on the web ( stuff), and the main stream press is starting to pick up on it. ESPN could be a good intro to the race, similar to how Ahnold announced on the Tonight Show with Leno.

    If he wants it, the race is his for the taking. I think he would have a legitimate chance.

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