Michael at the Chicago Report asked:

Keyes is criticizing Obama for threatening to give him a “spanking”. Who called this press conference? At first I thought that Keyes must have covered something else … that our car wreck hungry media just didn’t want to talk about health care or taxes or other issues of substance. But not even the Illinois Leader had any substance. Who’s running this campaign? I hope it’s Keyes himself. I’d hate to think that someone is actually making a living in this business holding press conferences like this.

Actually Michael, it looks like Keyes called it:

Keyes, who will be greatly outspent, relies on free media in his campaign against Obama, Kay reported. As a result, he frequently calls news conferences to respond to responses. First, he criticizes Obama. When Obama responds, Keyes calls a news conference to respond, which is what he did on Tuesday.

Though I’m sure the dynamic duo of Pascoe and Proft are involved in such decisions too.

6 thoughts on “The Complicit Media”
  1. When Krazy gets back to a-talkin’ ’bout shoot-em-up guns… He can let everybody know ’bout this here fancy pants machine gun.


    Maybe Denny Hastert has one too since he ain’t a-gonna be callin’ the gun safety laws up for renewal in order to be a-savin’ Dubya’s hide with them fundies.

  2. It looks like Keyes is trying to say that the media put words in his mouth this time, too. See http://www.renewamerica.us/archives/media/interviews/04_09_07wyll.htm
    where Keyes says:
    One fellow asked me, by the way, a question about whether or not I had actually said that Jesus Christ would not vote for Obama. OK?

    But that’s just not true. He was asked about his Tavis Smiley interview where he specifically mentioned Jesus (and Catholicism) completely uninvited:
    I think that it behooves someone of the Christian faith to ask themselves, would Jesus allow Himself to be represented in that action? A matter of fact, we know He wouldn’t, because we know that when we’re thinking the way we’re supposed to think, and we’re asking ourselves, “What would Jesus do?” we know that Jesus would not let a helpless child die, simply because somebody else wanted to take its life.

  3. He’s really getting boring. Now that September is here (the serious season), one hopes the silly August stories will fall away. Especially once the govmint gets back in session and starts creating new and marvellous ones of their own.

  4. When will the boys and girls in the media realize that covering the Keyes senate campaign as if it were a legitimate campaign is the equivalent of covering professional wrestling as if it were a legitimate athletic competition.

    And what kind of nutty media outlet would do that?

  5. Professional wrestling — rofl — except they took it seriously enough up north to elect a wrestling governor. And then there’s Arnold.

    Did Jesus vote for them?

  6. With technology the way it is today there is no need to call a news conference everytime State Sen. Obama draws a breath.

    With absolutely no money Van Winkle has forced Obama to answer questions about his record — which has been the entire goal of the OTS exercise. Keyes would get just as much attention as he is now by being nuts by focussing on real issues and calling out Obama where his proposals make no sense. Keyes could be just as anti-abortion and just as conservative. But he won’t do that.

    You can run a respectable campaign with little money and leave the field of battle with some dignity while building for the future. Alan Keyes is choosing not to do that. He using the people of Illinois, the GOP and the sincere religious right for his own selfish purposes.

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