Lee Newcom lets Keyes’ campaign have it.

I’d take this as a sign Lee knows he’s in trouble in one of the more conservative counties in Illinois. He was in trouble before Keyes and this makes it worse. He beat an old line Republican who was incompetent, but then it came out that he has all sorts of financial irregularities in his organization–and he’s running for a financial office. So the old line folks hate him, the swing voters think he is incompetent, and the County Board members hate him because he was a pain in the ass so he absolutely needs good party turnout to win on straight party voters–Keyes may be the final nail in the coffin. I tend to think Lee Newcom is everything wrong with politics–someone who espouses morality, but believes he can do anything to win so there is no loss here and lots to gain as one watches the far right turn on one another.

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