Morgenthaller against Stan Jagla.

This pits a rather dodgy immigrant with poor English skills against what appears to be a complete hawk on Iran and Iraq and all for scapegoating immigrants

Morgenthaler does not support a pullout of troops and said she believes it is likely the U.S. will have to maintain a presence of 30,000 troops because of its national interests in the region. The surge is working, she said.

“What the surge is not capable of is bringing the political solutions to Iraq. I don’t know if democracy is exportable. I think it has to be homegrown,” she said.

Morgenthaler said she views illegal immigration as a national security issue and said as much attention should be paid to the border with Canada as the border with Mexico.

“There are elements who are coming here to hurt us,” said Morgenthaler, who left her job as homeland security adviser to Gov. Rod Blagojevich to run for Congress.

I’d consider bringing back and Remember Death is not an Option for this race, but this really just hands the race to Roskam so why even choose.

One thought on “Super Tuesday: IL-6”
  1. The dearth of 6th District Democratic candidates who are… err… uhh… credible is a direct and logical result of the last Democratic primary:

    Potential candidates with the sense and skills to be a winner have sense enough to not to get involved. Why put money and effort into a race with a recent history of the national party big-footing all over the locals to impose the DCCC’s choice on the voters? What local activists would try to recruit a skilled and sensible friend to run when she knows that all of her efforts — and her personal credibility — could be smashed in a moment by a decision off in DC? Who would anyone of substance get into the race when we’ve seen that assurances from the national party are worth nothing?

    As for me, I will probably vote for the candidate who claims that requiring immigrants to learn English is a “hate crime” rather than the candidate who claims that Abu Ghraib was not a war crime.

    And people wonder why I vote drunk…

    — SCAM

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