The first black male Democratic Senator. Why not just say the first multiracial but really African-American male Senator born in Hawaii and raised in Kansas who had a Kenyan Economist for a father and was President of the Harvard Law Review Senator.
Call It A Comeback
The first black male Democratic Senator. Why not just say the first multiracial but really African-American male Senator born in Hawaii and raised in Kansas who had a Kenyan Economist for a father and was President of the Harvard Law Review Senator.
or rather the second
what about edward brooks
first black male Democratic Senator–this is why the phrase is becoming so long.
Beyond Parody
The Illinois Senate Race to replace retiring Senator Peter Fitzgerald (who got in pretty much on the sheer force of not being Carol Moseley-Braun) is a one-party race at the moment, and that doesn’t look to be changing any time soon (I’m st…
How about the first intelligent senator from Illinois since Dick Durbin?
People worried that the pressure would be too much for Obama, but he isn’t the one that cracked:
His speech tonight was outstanding. Better than Clinton’s. It was positive and inspiring and uplifting and a breath of fresh air from all the Bush bashing.
Definitely a home run. I can’t wait to congratulate him on his next downstate tour.
… who lived in Jakarta for a while …
Barack Obama?s speech at the DNC eloquently defined the values, strengths, and meaning of the best the Democrats have to offer America. Obama did it in a way that few have done before him.
His own success story clearly depicted the best of what America has to offer. He desires this same success for all of America?s people. He desires health care, equitable laws, jobs, education, and opportunity for all Americans and not just the wealthy.
He sold the party to the American people and focused on a future most Americans want to live in. Barack Obama shared a vision of hope in the United States of America.
While I am always impressed and expect great performances by Bill Clinton, Obama provided a stirring rendition of Democratic ideals that nearly matched Clinton?s performance.
I have always been incredibly high on his future prospects and believe he has the potential to be a future President of America. He is a person whom I share many ideals with and a person who possesses the tools & skills to implement these ideals across the American landscape. This ?skinny guy with a funny name? receives my gratitude for all that he has already done.