Dan’s Cracking Over at the Leader

Dan, it isn’t Obama’s fault you supported a charlatan. Why don’t you take some of that energy and get your client to sign and deliver the damn withdrawal paper. Or update us on the status of your lawsuit to unseal unsealed court documents.

In other wacky Leader fun, one commenter accuses a guy who can’t even spell McCulloch correctly of being McCulloch.

A fine thread that starts off with calling Obama a crackhead persists.

22 thoughts on “Dan’s Cracking Over at the Leader”
  1. I’m not sure why I like Obama better, his inspiring message and political skill or the fact that he drives the right-wingers so crazy. In any case, I can’t wait for Senator Obama…

  2. Now, come on. You have to admin Obama is getting a bit of a free pass. No one seems to write anything bad about him, his record, etc. Do you guys really think this is good for him long term? It’s wasn’t really good for Sen. Braun.

    Does his vote on SB 485 reflect mainstream Illinois?
    See http://www.obamatruthsquad.com, do his other votes in the state senate?

    Yes, this is part the Republican party’s fault for not having a candidate right now and yes he gave a good keynote last night.

    Proffit has a point, Obama is being anoynted (sp?) not elected at this point. Do you think the average voter in this state really knows where the guy stands on stuff?


  3. It’s anointed.

    Sure, Obama is getting a free pass. I’d love to see him debate the issues with whomever the GOP throws into the ring. How about Oberweis? He and his mainstream values on immigration placed second.

  4. If we really were comfortable with Oberweis and is imigration views he would already be our guy. (Rich, finished second) so I guess that answeres that question. I don’t even doubt Obama’s desire to debate the issues, I just wish the media would at least seem interested in the least about them.

  5. Republican gripes about Obama getting a free pass would seem a little more credible if they would FIELD A CANDIDATE! Until they do, aren’t they the ones giving him a free pass?

  6. I think saying he has gotten a relatively free pass is fair, but Proft is losing it. The whole thing is bizarre. That said, the vote on SB485 does make perfectly good sense in his efforts to get people to lead to more uniform sentencing over these narrow bills that balloon the sentencing structure over time.

    If you look at the day’s business–it was one of many bills passed quickly meaning this is awfully similar to Lauzen’s vote against public breast feeding.

    And the Republicans’ have kneecapped Oberweis–much to their credit.

    In short Oneman’s argument==reasonable


  7. Then I look forward to him defending that vote on those logical grounds. Again I just want to hear him do it. Be asked some difficult questions.

    We got to see Lauzen’s explanation of the breast feeding bill, you may not have agreed with his logic but you at least got to see it.

    Does Obama feel universal health care is a right? It seems he has had different opinions on that.

    Is it the fault of a party that Bob Dole called in ‘Dissary’ on CNN last night, yes in large part. Is it the fault of the media yes in large part. Is it Obama’s fault, not really.


  8. I like to pop in here and see what’s being said, and for the moment, here’s my $.02. What I read OneMan saying here is rational and reasonable.

    What I read on the Illinois Leader’s board is, Jesus, jealous, petty, racist…you name it.

    Ironically, any given post will accuse him of speaking in non-specific platitudes and then call him a socialist.

    Cheers to the posters here on maintaining a little dignity and civility.

  9. When Bush is asked why he sat for 7 minutes reading “My Pet Goat” while planes were being hijacked and flown into various landmarks around the country, I’ll lose sleep over the media giving Obama a pass.

    If anybody has EVER been given a free pass on desertion, felony convictions, war profiteering and downright stupidity and cowardice, it’s George W Bush and the hypocrisy of Republicans whining that Scaife isn’t buying billboards to advertise the fact that Obama did drugs is beyond the pale of simple, reasonable decency.

  10. I would like to hear the 7 minute answer, I do however think the question has been asked and if I recall he felt that getting up and bolting out of the room would have been a bad idea. Don’t know if I agree with that. He could have been trying to process what he had just been told.

    As for
    desertion, felony convictions, war profiteering and downright stupidity

    That sounds a lot like the leader message board in bizzaro world.

    As for Obama’s drug use I don’t think it needs to be on billboards or anything. I am more than happy just to see some issue discusion. What he did as a young man is something I think the voters may want to know, then again I can care less.

    Your guy sucks is not issue discusion and that’s what happens at the leader and some other boards. I am kind of glad it doesn’t happen here.

    Even over at OneMan htsblog.blogspot.com when Austin-Mayor reminds me we don’t have a senate candidate.

  11. The ISSUE is a free pass in the press. And the fact is no one has gotten a bigger free pass than W.

    But if the ISSUE is youthful indiscretion, let’s discuss Henry Hyde, who, while hypocritical enough to prosecute President for same, had a youthful indiscretion with a married woman at the tender age of 35.

    Or if the ISSUE is being a potty mouth, let’s turn our attention away from THK and toward the man that used a vile obscenity on the floor of the U.S. Senate.

    Or maybe the issue is Whitewater, where we spent more money on investigation than on the 9/11 commission. While Jeb Bush’s buddies at BearingPoint stole $450 million off of the beds of wounded soldiers, we don’t investigate that, either.

    We didn’t kick Jack Ryan off the ballot–you did.

    The issue is this constant Republican whining about the So-Called Left-Wing Media. It’s tired. It’s hypocritical.

    Desertion: Bush CAN’T demonstrate he served any of his ANG time. He can demonstrate that he got paid for it and received benefits, but that’s different than showing up for it.

    War profiteering: You can, I presume, with a straight face say that no Bush/Cheney political allies are making huge profits off of the War in Iraq–A war Bush and Cheney started, they pretty much admit at this point, without provocation.

    Bush admitted to a felony Drunk Driving conviction days before the campaign ended, making him the first President to serve with a felony conviction. I won’t even point out the irony of kicking thousands of black people off the roles in Florida because the MIGHT have had a felony.

    Downright stupidity: Hey, HE’S the one who sat there and read “My Pet Goat” while the US was under attack, looking very much like he was packing a full load in the back of the First Trousers.

  12. Oh man where do I start with this.

    You brought up Obama’s past as referenced by the leader, not me. Again I am more than happy just to hear him talk about and get asked about the issues. I don’t think the issue is youthful indescresion and don’t ask me to defend Henry Hyde, I agree that his response to that stuff was hypocritial.

    However I do feel the need to defend the president on some of what you have said (not all). Felony drunk driving? Fairly sure it wasn’t a felony conviction, it was a mistermenor see http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/bushdui1.html with a $150 fine. It might be a felony now, it wasn’t then.

    I guess my next question would be how much of this rant came out of Farenheit 9-11? No one is asking these questions? There is a $100 million dollar movie (gross) that is asking all sorts of questions like this.

    I can go to hundereds of web sites as well as a movie that make shrill and non-shrill agruments about all this stuff. However try and find anything besides how great Obama is and you come up with about 3 blogs and one web site.

    Cant argue the war profitearing thing with you since yes companies with connections to the president and his guys have made money of the war and the rebuilding of Iraq.

    Yep, the party tossed Jack! off the ballot, I didn’t agree with that. But they did. So we are going to give Obama a free pass, stupid but looks like it is going to happen.

    Saying President Bush getting away with it so why are you asking about Obama is not an excuse nor an answer.

  13. I haven’t seen F911.

    If you want to start cracking down on everyone that did cocaine in the 1980’s. I’m all about that. Let’s start at the top though.

    The distinction that “it wasn’t a felony at the time,” will no doubt, be of great comfort and solice to all those incarcerated, on probation and serving community service all across the country. And that’s not all there is, either. It’s all that he has admitted to.

    Is Obama getting a pass on stuff…Don’t know. I knew about the cocaine use. Probably lots of other people do as well. It’s in his autobiography, so it’s not exactly as if its hidden.

    Barely a month ago, we had to listen to Conservatives talk about carving Reagan on Mt. Rushmore and putting him on the $10 bill. At least his son killed that off last night. So if Democrats get to engage in a week of hero worship, I’m not sure why you feel the need to immediately tear him down. Oh, wait, yes I do. Never mind.

  14. Wow you can read my mind now. As for tearing Obama down, again it’s asking questions about his VOTING RECORD and stuff like that.

    Again, I am just asking that someone start asking him questions. As for the hero worship stuff, it’s been going on in Illinois since the primary.

    I didn’t bring up stuff he did in his youth, you did in referencing the leader web site. Again I could really care less if he did or didn’t at one time do drugs or whatever.

    What gets me more than anything else is how seems that people assume because he is articulate and is a good looking he would make a good senator.

    I say look at his votes and where he stands on the issues, I am not comfortable with where he stands on some things. Education for example. Does that mean I think he is a bad human being, no? I just think someone with a different viewpoint and a different ideas for solving problems would do a better job representing this state in the senate.

    If more people in this state feel he is the best person for the job because of where he stands, fine with me.

    If more people in this state feel he is the best person for the job without getting to know any more about him than his biography, that sucks.

    Using the Leader as an example of how the Republican party feels is a bit lame, I could take snipits out of the comments Obama blog and make his people look nutty at times too.


  15. Maybe there’s nothing to “dig up” about him, though I’m sure they’re actively looking, or else they’ll just lie about shit. This guy is the real thing.

    One of the dickhead interviewers got all hysterical, saying “People say you’re a liberal”. Barack just stood there quietly and said, “Yes,” and nothing else, and just looked at the guy like he was insane. Thought the guy “accusing” him was going to explode, because Obama was *unbaitable”.

    Someone else was accusing him of having “conservative” values that won’t sit well with liberal Democrat voters. Jeeeeez. Guy can’t win….

    Maybe it just looks like he’s getting a free pass because he’s so good at actually answering questions that no one wants to ask him stuff because it makes *them* look bad. I want to see him go mano a mano with filth like O’Reilly or Limbaugh or Coulter. Tasty.

  16. Yeah that’s it in fact Obama is perfect, why haven’t I seen it earlier. All his viwes and ideas are perfectly in tune with this state.

    The high levels of illegitimacy in parts of Chicago is in fact caused by the reduction of the manufactoring base in Chicago and economic drivers like he said on one of the Sunday Morning shows.

    In fact all the bills he referenced in his education section on his web site were passed! The record was modified to make him look bad. http://www.obamatruthsquad.com/archives/2004/07/looking_at_obam.php

    We are not even talking about finding out if he was mean to some kid when he was 12.

    I want to know if by saying ‘Health Care is a right’ does he mean the government should provide everyone with health care. What he feels the government needs to do, if anything, to make it easier for kids to go the private schools like he was able to.

    Yeah, that’s it they are going to make up lies. Go over to http://www.ObamaTruthSquad.com . The stuff they post is linked to sources and scary things like that.

    Or you can all just drink the cool-aid. Trust me as a Jack Ryan supporter that can be a really bad idea.

  17. Wow, kudos early in this thread about civility then Cynical and OneMan open up on each other. Ouch.

    I think you’re both right (or wrong if you feel better). Blindly following either party can leave you with egg on your face. Demand honesty and integrity from your candidates, and maybe someday rich and pretty won’t be the main qualifications to get in office.

    Obama is getting a free pass. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard lately that he’s running “unopposed.” Libertarian candidate Jerry Kohn is on the ballot, but he doesn’t fit in the combines game plan, so he doesn’t get acknowledged. He’s the guy with the honesty and integrity I mentioned before.

    If Obama isn’t getting a free pass then we can expect him to invite Jerry to a debate. Right?

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