September Traffic

Over 23,000 Unique Visitors with the average visitor coming by about 4 times. Daily traffic is up around 2000 visits (not necessarily unique) every day. That’s pretty astounding for a web site that concentrates on state politics–only a few others have that much traffic in blog form such as Off the Kuff, Burnt Orange Report, and South Knox Bubba.

Snapshots are available to those who click on the counter on the left side column below the blogroll. Those numbers aren’t complete because they don’t capture all of the visits as the server does, but it shows the trend.

On top of that Blog Saint Louis is averaging over 300 visits a day.

So essentially, thanks!

One thought on “September Traffic”
  1. No, thank you Larry!

    Seriously, though, I started reading when the craziness around Jack! started, and have been hooked ever since. I think the numbers just reflect the hard work you put in a regular basis updating the blog.

    Plus, you really should send a nice (early) Christmas gift to Alan Keyes and the Illinois Republican Party. Does it get any better?!

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