Continuing with the theme of moral complexity, Eric Zorn addresses whether George Ryan is sincere about death penalty reform. It has always been my position that Ryan is sincere about it. He is far more sincere than G-Rod and more than Jim Ryan was, though JRyan did seem to understand there was a problem. What George Ryan has done with the death penalty moratorium is wonderful. My constant carping on the man is due to his inability to apply those same moral principles to his other behavior. I can understand he has done a great thing at the same time understand he is responsible for undermining the public trust.

The Tribune also reports that he is leaning towards some sort of clemency before leaving office next week. Let me make it clear that I am an absolute opponent of the state taking a life outside of defending another’s individual life. I think commutation would be the right thing to do in a vacuum. As life is often morally complex, I cannot support such a move now. If a mass commutation is made I believe death penalty reform in Illinois will die for a generation or more and as such a greater harm will come of such a move. While I hope we can continue to work towards abolition, mass commutation, in my opinion, will produce a backlash and destroy the good work already done.

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