I have to wonder where

I have to wonder where all the whining about the UN comes from. The General Assembly has all sorts of problems, and I don’t want to excuse those. Financially, we should get them to clean the mess up and we’ve taken a lot of steps to do that.

However, when it comes to the Security Council, the UN is largely a tool of US power. Of the five member we almost always have one vote locked up, one for sale (Russia), and one that bellyaches and then is up for sale as an abstention so they don’t veto a plan, and well, then the real problem France. Admittedly, France is useless and only got the seat because of postwar politics. The Security Council is deigned to hold power in those few hands and the US with decent leadership accomplishes a great deal with it.

The Council doesn’t have deal with every small country in the world and it is empowered to act easier than any other body. Even more important, any UN Military action can be vetoed by us, thus giving us a lot of control over multilateral actions when we aren’t involved.

We’ve got it pretty good. A little massaging and we do extremely well with the Security Council except on issues relating to China or Russia. Well, that and when the French get a bug up their ass. It isn’t perfect, but it provides the US an important institutional mechanism to get world support, with very little actual support from the other nations.

The proper response to the

The proper response to the pot question was properly demonstrated by Bill Bradley on ABC This Week when he was asked. He replied that yes he had on many occasions, and then turned the question on Sam, Cokie and George Will. Sam, yes, Cokie no, and George Will drank a lot of whiskie in Illinois Cornfields, but no pot.

Blago actually answered in a straightforward manner and then let the press catch him in a series of awkward questions about whether he inhaled. He isn’t sure, and they got the headline they wanted.

I usually agree with Conason,

I usually agree with Conason, but this broadside against Leach is a bit too harsh. Leach went out on a limb, but he came back and of all the investigations, his was kept relatively respectible. Leach also never cast aspersions on Clinton’s military maneuvers.

More importantly, Leach was far from a tool of Gingrich. His refusal to vote for him on the House Floor brought down Gingrich. That refusal led to other moderate Members doing the same and Gingrich withdrew.

Leach isn’t perfect, but his handling of the investigation was far more professional than others.