For those outside of the

For those outside of the St. Louis region, Hoosier has a different definition here. I’ve seen people try and explain the meaning of Hoosier to people from Mexico and China with no luck. I now have a solution to explain what Hoosier means.


There may be a St. Louis connection as well. The kid is apparently from Blue Island, which pretty much explained everything to me when I heard it. Blue Island is a pretty rough refinery town–or it was until Premcor shut down its refinery. And everything is pretty much toxic in Blue Island because of the refinery (most of the damage before Premcor bought it). So on top of meth, there is a good reason these guys are morons.

A great take on the clowns is here at ESPN

Molly knows Texas and when

Molly knows Texas and when she sticks to what she knows, she writes a great column. If only one could have been a fly on the wall for this:

Carr had known Bill Clinton since he was a baby alligator, come to Texas in ’72 to run McGovern’s campaign. She later worked her tail off for him. A main thing about Billie was, she didn’t just work herself, she made everybody else work their asses off, too. When President Clinton got himself into that Monica Lewinsky mess, Billie was pissed off at him as only a woman of a certain age can be about men and their stupidity. She defended him against the Republicans , but she was steamed.

Clinton made the mistake of inviting her to the White House in the middle of that deal. Here it is, a big reception line, everyone duded up, all these important folks around, and Billie came though that line, looked the president of the United States in eye and said, low and hard, “You dumb son of a bitch.”

One of the better articles

One of the better articles on the freedom of speech in academia is written in Slate by Dahlia Lithwick.

The key paragraph is here:

Free speech does not encompass the right to fire, suspend, or riot your way into a universe in which everyone agrees with your views, even if you have legitimate grievances. The courts are well aware of this, but it seems that universities, both here and in Canada, are not. On campus, you may “speak” freely?with fists, chairs, and broken glass?so long as you are a member of an aggrieved minority with delicate sensibilities and a narrative of oppression.

The important part of the article is it addresses the suppression of speech from all angles and it doesn’t equate it strangely with Colorado College’s choice to have a Palestinean speak.

I’ll add one more problem. There is an increasing tendency for colleges to include a counterpoint view at a talk from an controversial figure. This is a horrible precedent to set. Alternative points of view should be invited on a regular basis and not because of some concern that someone can’t speak at a given time. The notion that students aren’t smart enough to see different points of view when they listen to them is condescending and silly.

Eat this Greg Easterbrook. The

Eat this Greg Easterbrook. The administration is that bad on the environment. For those not familiar with Easterbrook’s argument concerning the Bush administration, he made some good points on the initial criticism of the administration. Anyone paying attention knew they would pull this crap later on when fewer people were paying attention.

I actually greatly enjoy Easterbrook’s work–I just disagree on this issue.