From Renew America
Illinois–and indeed all of America–needs Alan Keyes in the Senate, at this critical time in our nation’s history! For that to happen, the Keyes for Senate campaign immediately needs a million dollars from the grassroots.

4 thoughts on “One MEEELLLION Dollars”
  1. I hope for Keyes’s sake that “from the grassroots” refers to an actual grassy field somewhere containing buried treasure to which Keyes has a map with X marking the spot, because otherwise I don’t think he’s in danger of immediately raising $1 million.

  2. So the smart money(all those rich Republican donors)are running full tilt away from this campaign, where can they get money from to pay off Keyes debts? How about the idiot voters! Wait! Lets call it grassroots!

  3. My hope for the Keyes campaign was that it would draw off right-wing money that would otherwise go to Republican candidates in other states who might actually have a chance at winning. It still might do that, at least for “grass roots” donors, though obviously not for the more sophisticated GOP donors.

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