On a Positive Note, He Must Believe in Evolution

Allen West:


I believe we are headed towards the ultimate ideological clash in America. There is a widening chasm which has developed between those who believe in principled fiscal policies and those desiring the socialist bureaucratic nanny-state. […]

And all we hear from the President is talk about “shared sacrifice,” “tax the rich,” and “increase revenues by tax hikes.” It was just December 2010 that President Obama and the Democrats extended the Bush era tax rates for two years…now less than a year later they are FLIP-FLOPPING! […]

I must confess, when I see anyone with an Obama 2012 bumper sticker, I recognize them as a threat to the gene pool.



So says the guy who hangs out with 1%er Biker Gangs.

0 thoughts on “On a Positive Note, He Must Believe in Evolution”
  1. Someone should remind this turd that the POTUS extended the Bush tax cuts because the GOP was holding the unemployment benefits extension hostage during the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. This hostage policy the GOP implemented on day one of Obama’s presidency continues to this day and is exemplified by their willingness to bring down America and the global economy if we don’t pay their ransom of Give Us Everything We Want Or We Kill The Hostage.

    This is the GOP of the new millennia, post Bush, pre-Rapture. Blows the mind the stupidity of the GOP.

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