Not Done With the Blue Language Yet

I’m not linking to them, but let me say one thing to the homophobic asshole who runs Illinois Family Institute

I urge all other bloggers to join me in this salute to Petey LaBarbera, or if you prefer to keep it cleaner, your own salute to the idiot.

20 thoughts on “Not Done With the Blue Language Yet”
  1. I’m assuming you are referring to his comments about Dan Rutherford?

    Yes, Pete took things too far. He’s angering a lot of his fellow conservatives with his tactics, many of who supported him in the past, but cannot any longer.

    I’m republican, and I don’t apologize for it, but it’s really nobody’s F’ing business what anyone else’s sexual orientation is.

  2. Wow. Very mature response.
    I think its refreshing to see someone who is guided by and taking a stand for truth rather than blindly following and defending one party.

  3. You’ve got to be kidding, Mr. Barbera. Just because you condemned Fred Phelps doesn’t mean that, as Bill Dennis points out, “there’s fundamentally no difference” between IFI and Phelps.

    Just for context, though, your condemnation included this:

    Politically and culturally speaking, Phelps and his protesters serve as a crude caricature of pro-family traditionalists who oppose the normalization of homosexuality. Fred makes an easy target for the media and secularists who are tempted (partly by their own prejudices) to paint any opposition to “gay rights” as hateful. For this reason, I have sometimes wondered if Phelps and his lawyerly clan are “gay plants.”

    Essentially, you are condemning Fred Phelps because he makes you look bad. In fact, because he makes you look bad, you accuse Phelps of being a “gay plant.” (By the way, does that mean I have to send my rhodedendrum to reparative therapy?)

    What IFI — and you in particular — believe is not substantially different from what Phelps believes. The only differences your “condemnation” points out are tactics and your belief that gays can be converted.

    I’m with Archpundit on this one. You don’t deserve civility.

  4. ===When you are ready to rise above a 7th-grade discussion level

    Fucking HILARIOUS–from a guy who posts pink elephants on his site and makes a bunch of juvenile jokes about the person’s reported sexuality.

  5. As a Christian and a conservative, I cannot condone the kind of hateful tactics of Peter and the IFI.

    Peter is just as guilty of stooping to a 7th grade mentality.

    (getting visions of little Pete in middle school searching the dictionary for all the “dirty” words.)


    Don’t you feel better now Pete?

  6. Dan Rutherford has my vote, because he’s one of the good guys. And I really couldn’t care less what or who he does in his bedroom or in the back seat of his car.

  7. Arch:

    Thanks for inspiring a conservative to speak out on what a pathetic step IFI has taken. The debate on these types of issues doesn’t have to be uncivil and people like LaBarbera are making it divisive.

    I don’t support SB 3186 (hope that doesn’t make me unAmerican in your eyes), but these types of tactics by IFI shouldn’t go unpunished.

    The sad part is that conservatives like LaBarbera want to marginalize (or scare) any supporters of gay rights by using outlandish lies, and then conservatives wonder why they’re marginalized as “far right extremists”.

    Regardless of where we all stand on SB 3186 or a Marriage Amendment, I gladly stand behind you on speaking out against IFI on this.

    I’ll purposely keep IFI unlinked in my response to their stupity, and I’m not going to let them win by mentioning the legislator’s name.

    Just want you to know that there are more considerate conservatives out here in the blogosphere. We’re not all as bad Chuck Schumer makes us sound.

  8. “The Illinois Family Institute.” What a crock.

    Peter and his tiny little band of hateful right-wingers don’t speak for *MY* Illinois family, nor the families of any of my friends and neighbors. In fact, they speak for the extremist fringe, not mainstream Illinois.

    They should change the organization’s name to something far less deceptive, but then, deception’s pretty much what they’re all about, isn’t it?

  9. I have been lucky in my life to be an Eastern Orthodox conservative republican family man. I believe marriage is between a man and a woman and we do NOT have to single out individuals and protect the rights they are given in the 14th Amendment. I think to do it is condescending. I also believe we all have certain differences in some issues and that a single issue that would keep you from voting for the hardest working Republican in Springfield does NOT make you a Republican! Dan Rutherford is committed to his work and may not need those other things that weaker people need. Some satisfy themselves in the work they do, the family they have, or the words they use to ruin individuals. IFI is as hypocritical as they come and they do NOT speak for Republicans. Dan Rutherford is and should be the face of Republicans in Illinois and I for one am damn glad of it.

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