Nobel Peace Prize Nomination for G-Ry

I was outraged after getting this from Ross the Bloviator (scroll down–when I tried the archive link I got an unfamiliar foreign language that looked like it was from Northern Europe). Eric Zorn of the Chicago Tribune has sugggested this before (Scroll down again-no place holders–Feb 19)

Ross actually expresses my outrage pretty damn well so I’ll save my sanctimony for now. However, let me remind everyone of the 6 dead Willis children George Ryan is responsible for due to the license for bribes scandal. The SOS office has long been a place of questionable ethics, but G-Ry took it to a new low. G-Ry won’t even meet with the Willis family now and has been incredibly offensive when the father attempted to talk to him in the past.

The moratorium is great. I think Illinois First is fantastic. I think G-Ry deserves to rot in prison, not be awarded a prize.

Quick Up DATE: Go read the Bloviator’s other posts as well. He has done an excellent job on disecting the complex issues regarding vaccine liability and his posts on Smallpox vaccinations are first rate. And he spells a lot better than me.

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