Shows about the same race as in November with Seals steady at 58% and Footlik up from 6% to 10%.

This memorandum is based on a survey of 303 likely Democratic primary
voters conducted in the Illinois 10th CD on January 7 and 8, 2008.  This
survey, which was fully representative of a Democratic primary electorate,
has a margin of error of ±5.7 percentage points.

4 thoughts on “New 10th Poll from Seals”
  1. The only change I’ve heard of is that they recently (like, a month ago) added a new communications director.

    I haven’t heard anything about other changes.

  2. […] January 14, 2008 in Congressional Campaigns, Democrats by jerry101 Tags: aaron schock, Dan Seals, IL-03, IL-10, Jay Footlik, Mark Pera, Strangelove Internal polling came out over the weekend from the Seals campaign, so while I would normally say, take it with a grain of salt, this is pretty astounding – 58-10.  This poll was conducted after Jay Footlik went on the air, and his numbers moved by 4 percentage points from the last internal Seals poll (58-6).  Still a lot of undecideds, and Seals isn’t bolstering his numbers, but at 58-10, Seals doesn’t seem to have a lot to worry about. […]

  3. No shakeups at the office, just a new, larger office space and more staff to accomodate the traffic of volunteers and visitors.

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