Oh my….

senior federal law enforcement official tells ABC News the government is tracking the phone numbers we call in an effort to root out confidential sources.

“It’s time for you to get some new cell phones, quick,” the source told us in an in-person conversation.

ABC News does not know how the government determined who we are calling, or whether our phone records were provided to the government as part of the recently-disclosed NSA collection of domestic phone calls.

Other sources have told us that phone calls and contacts by reporters for ABC News, along with the New York Times and the Washington Post, are being examined as part of a widespread CIA leak investigation.

And more:

NSA whistleblower Russ Tice says he will tell Congress Wednesday of “probable unlawful and unconstitutional acts” involving the agency’s former director, Gen. Michael Hayden, President Bush’s nominee to run the CIA.

Tice, a former technical intelligence specialist at NSA who first went public on ABC News, says he has been asked to testify Wednesday before the Senate Armed Services Committee.

In a letter to the committee, Tice says the alleged illegal acts involved “very highly sensitive intelligence programs and operations known as Special Access Programs (SAPs).”

I’m sure it’s all legal because the Preznit says so. This is stuff I would have dismissed as crazy conspiracy talk one year ago. Now, I’m not even surprised.

One thought on “Making Nixon Look Like a Piker”
  1. I think President Bush forgets that when President Nixon said” If the President Orders a wire tap it”s not unlawfull” he had already been forced to resign from office.

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