Lying About Who You Are

One reason I only allow one exception to when I’ll release IP information is that trolls tend to use multiple identities and so when there is an especially egregious case such as the clown who linked to a amputee dancing and called it the Duckwalk, I can publicly shame the individual.

If you use one pseudonym generally (you can change it–just don’t do it midthread or many times in the same day) or post anonymously, I protect your privacy absent a court order/warrent. And as long as you aren’t lying about who you are such as John Lott and Mary Rosh or a campaign pretending to be another campaign, I don’t care. So don’t feel nervous about what I’m about to do if you follow those very simple guidelines.

Let’s review IPs and Identities on ArchPundit revoling around an ID that also had an IP address the same as the person who posted the offensive link to the video
Post: Since March 2nd
2006-03-08 16:20:01
IP Address of commentor:
Name: TrueDemocrat
Published: 2006-03-10 06:43:56
Also from the same IP address in that post is an anonymous comment.
2006-03-09 04:34:29
Pre-Primary: Cegelis D-IL-06
2006-03-10 10:36:39
2006-03-10 11:21:40
Pre-Primary: Duckworth D-IL-06
2006-03-10 11:29:44
2006-03-10 16:25:05
2006-03-11 00:02:55
It was a Mistake, but I’m Pretty Sure an Honest One
2006-03-24 15:12:41
2006-03-25 02:41:52
2006-03-26 13:59:44

The list could go on if I listed the other identities connected to or or under the different names of Formalist, ilyayavitz, Illinois06 and variations of TrueDemocratRealAuthentic and all of them are from a small subset of IP addresses (a total of 4) registered to SBC Chicago. In some cases, one comment would be posted under one name and the next comment would be from the same IP under a different name.

And then finally, the comment with the link to the video came from

The clowns name is and he is an

He’s used these multiple identities at other sites including MyDD and apparently was banned from there under a couple different identities. He’s also used them at Kos.

He’s a troll, a liar, and a scumbag and if I detect him again posting in comments, those will be deleted. He’s banned from using the site other than viewing it.

Quick Update: And despite his protestations of donating money to many Democratic candidates, he doesn’t show up in the FEC database. Meaning he may donate, but doesn’t break the $200 threshhold for reporting. Other Cegelis volunteers have no memory of him, though he did write a letter tot he editor.

7 thoughts on “Lying About Who You Are”
  1. Bravo! Once again I’d like to apologize for the young man’s behavior at another forum. It is not the image we promote there. He managed to get the thread turned off. BTW I like your style!!!

  2. Yikes, what a freakfest it turned into over at SbC! Brian is right, definitely NOT what we’re going for over there.

    I can say unequivocally that I never ONCE heard ANY Cegelis volunteer make fun of Tammy Duckworth for her disability. If that had come up, it would have been shut down immediately. That is NOT what we stand for and is completely unacceptable behavior.

  3. I have posted my suspicion that this was the same person multiple times on various sites.

    Thank you for the legwork and the proof.

  4. Gee Larry, do you ever delete posts which question your integrity like Lee Newcom has been doing to me over at Illinois Review?

    I could care less if Newcom is posting on his own time and from his own computer — but he seems to be frequently posting during working hours which would imply to me that he’s doing so on the taxpayer’s dime which I’m sure the fine Republicans of McLean County wouldn’t appreciate (and which is just a tad bit hypocritical).

    And instead of explaining himself the Illinois Review has simply been deleting my posts.

    Sad. Weak. And hypocrites of the highest order.

  5. This is your place Arch and everybody else is a guest. If a guest abuses your hospitality, then by all means throw the bum out. And if you know he’s vandalizing other people’s places, then by all means expose him.

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