Crazy Couple Days

Al Franken yesterday–finishing up a day job policy brief on early childhood education and generally busy—consider this an open thread, lots of posting tonight after more meetings and Dentist Appt.

5 thoughts on “Crazy Couple Days”
  1. Heard the part on the Al Franken Show with the three Protesters. Since they said they were protesting against “extremism” in the Media, I was hoping Al would ask them if they had ever protested Limbaugh, O’reilly or any of the other crazy rightwingers who populate our airwaves.

    It seems kind of unusual with the proponderance of opinion shows being rightwing, that they’d focus on the measley three hours or so devoted to progressive talk.

    Naturally, AAR is only “extreme” if you’ve spent your entire life to Rush Limbaugh & Co. in which case pretty much everything is extreme.

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