Little Rod’s Feelings Were Hurt


Via Capitol Fax

Rod doesn’t like the ad

U.S. Rep. Rahm Emanuel, D-Chicago, who once headed the DCCC and unofficially shepherds Illinois congressional races, said he, too, was not involved in developing the ad or deciding to run it. But like Mr. Adelstein, he said he likes the spot because it “levels the playing field a little bit.”

Mr. Blagojevich’s office had no comment on the matter, but sources said the governor’s camp has privately expressed its displeasure. Mr. Blagojevich, himself a former congressman, is said to have “gone ballistic” when he first heard of the spot.

0 thoughts on “Little Rod’s Feelings Were Hurt”
  1. I wonder if Rod Blagojevich paid all his dues to the DCCC.

    If he didn’t pay his dues or was a pain-in-the-ass about it, I could see members of the DCCC staff getting special pleasure out of annoying Blagojevich.

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