Jack Ryan Meet George Allen, George Allen Meet Jack Ryan

0 thoughts on “Jack Ryan Meet George Allen, George Allen Meet Jack Ryan”
  1. More rumors, Larry? Didn’t you learn your lesson?

    BTW, I know you’re not the one who said this, but perhaps you can still explain why some think Allen “crossed the line” when he started talking about Jim Webb’s novels?

  2. Context. You write a novel, something that is fiction. Was the boy a victim of his father?

    What is the context of a fiction? Do you have to explain things to conservatives? When I heard this act the first thing that came to my mind was pages and GOP congressman.

  3. ==More rumors, Larry? Didn’t you learn your lesson?

    No, it’s actually true that he has sealed divorce files. What’s the rumor?

    As I’ve long said, if you run for office, you should expect to open your life up to investigation–not doing it just gives the press a storyline that may or may not have anything important in it to your fitness for office.

    It’s not over the line in terms of Webb’s novels, it’s just incredibly stupid given the critical praise for them. He’s a hell of a writer and he puts the Vietnam War in context of horror that it was.

  4. The Senate doesn’t need another misogynist … they already have Teddy Chappaquiddick. Vote Allen

    Webb’s novels show a deep-rooted bias against women and have scenes of adults performing sex acts with under-age children. As we learned in the Foley case, we must protect the children. Vote Allen.

  5. Citation, you are an idiot:





    Webb’s novels are incredibly well written and works of art. By your standard, no book should reflect the reality of a horrible situation because that is advocating it.

    Usually this is solved with Freshman literature classes in high school. I’d recommend taking one.

  6. Penthouse Forums are well written, too. I just don’t think we need their authors serving in the Senate. If voting for Allen will save even one child from being preyed upon by a wack-job looking to realize the fantasies played out in a Webb novel then it is worth it.

  7. ===Penthouse Forums are well written, too.

    Ummm..no, but this does indicate a lot about your taste in literature.

    ==== I just don’t think we need their authors serving in the Senate.

    And how is anything Webb has written analogous to that which one finds in a Penthouse Forum?

    ===If voting for Allen will save even one child from being preyed upon by a wack-job looking to realize the fantasies played out in a Webb novel then it is worth it.

    And how would Webb being in or out of the Senate affect that kind of whack job? Webb wrote books that portray them as sick human beings in a horrible situation–how is that somehow getting people to do what he describes?

  8. Do you remember the Republicans decrying Clinton by saying how the President forced their children to be exposed to discussing oral sex? (Of course, the Republican neglected to mention that it was Republican money and legal games that began the chain of events and GOP partisanship that forced it to be news, but….)

    Now Republicans are dragging sexual content from a novel and trying to get it as much attention as possible. The hypocrisy right in the open.

  9. Vanished into the ether — it was a poignant response too … I can’t keep up with all your literary references, but am hoping
    you’ll pull more Hobbes out of your ass to enlighten me. Personally, I prefer Calvin, although I always forget which
    one was the stuffed tiger and which was the temper-tantrum-throwing seven-year-old. This website is overrun with Calvins.
    Is the canned response to all dissent on this page along the lines of: “You idiot” .. “fucktwit” … “dumb-ass” .. it’s like
    I’m in the middle of a Jello Biafra spoken-word album. So, I’ll retort with “I know you are but what am I?”

  10. What literary reference is difficult for you–most of them, if not all, are on high school reading lists?

    Do you know who Hobbes is named after even? You don’t even get the cartoon fully, do you?

  11. I guess that little joke went over your head … I didn’t peg you as being that obtuse.
    If a Hobbesian philospohical paraphrase doesn’t fully encapulate your reponse, maybe you could toss
    out some Kant or Kirkegaard. Or some other borrowed, pithy phrase from John Stuart Mill that wraps up
    the issue in a neat litle package….. It’s a lock I’ve had just as much, if not more, advanced schooling than you.
    Regardless, my favorite philosopher said, “There is entirely too much education today, especially in the schools.”
    I’ve never been impressed with people who can readily quote other people as if to prove their education.

  12. ==I didn’t peg you as being that obtuse.

    It’s a bit hard to take you seriously when you are the one arguing Jim Webb is advocating such behavior. That’s pretty much the definition of obtuse. If you want to compare credentials–let’s go.

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