Oberweis suggests homosexuality can be changed like his weight loss:

Not all Republicans were lambasting Keyes, however. Former Senate candidate Jim Oberweis of Aurora said Keyes could have thought through his remark, then suggested homosexuality can be changed like obesity, citing his own vast weight loss in the past year.

You know, I get the argument (disagree with it, but get it) that homosexuality is some sort of choice or aberrant behavior–but like weight loss?

8 thoughts on “It’s the Ice Cream”
  1. So heterosexuality is like a leafy green vegetable, or maybe a low-cal rice cake? Or is it an Atkins-type plan, all meat and fat — no fruits?

  2. Herr Oberweis should go Cheney himself. I am SO sick of conservatives claiming that sexuality can be changed as easily as a pair of socks. Bullshit. What would I and the millions of other gay and lesbian people in the US willingly subject ourselves to nonstop public abuse and character defamation if we could simply switch it off? Even if it were a “choice,” being gay is not an automatic pass to fabulousness or pure unadulterated selfish hedonism. My big fat gay life is actually pretty ordinary–I get up, go to work, come home, do chores, run errands, watch TV, hang out with friends, buy groceries, etc. etc. No orgies, no drunken bacchanales. (Don’t I wish!)

    This uninformed bigotry on the part of rightwing cranks (and tolerance of those views by less extreme Republicans) is getting really old.

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