It’s Not A Canned Speech That Matters

It’s when will Palin submit to full scale interviews with the press.  She’s a fairly good speaker and giving a canned speech isn’t going to be hard for her–the telling issue is that the McCain camp has put her in seclusion until after the speech–and even then, when the interviews might come are an open question.

Why? You ask?
I think explaining what she is doing filing an ethics complaint against herself would be all sorts of fun to explain.

Gamechanger indeed!

0 thoughts on “It’s Not A Canned Speech That Matters”
  1. Some of this discussion makes my head hurt. For 19 months I was told that all Obama had done was give a good speech. That was not enough to qualify someone to be Prersident.

    But now I am told that if Sara Palin gives a good speech she clearly establishes that she is worthy of being Vice-President and by implication President.

    Did I miss a memo?

  2. Death Watch Over already?

    What’s stunning is what happened to Camp Hope.

    Call for vetting and it comes right back to Ayers/Cocaine experimentation/Annenberg Challenge/Crazy Uncle Jere/ Calypso Louis/ Antoine Rezko/ & etc. Those ‘distractions’ bumped off Ohio, Texas, Pennsylvannia & etc.

    Now, poor Barack needs to dust himself off and go on O’Reilly?

    The Progressives and their organ grinders in the media got too cute by half.

    Tick, Tock!

  3. The Hickster opines: “What’s stunning is what happened to Camp Hope.”

    Yup. It is stunning to see that Obama is apparently getting a bump in polls not just from the Dem convention but also from McCain’s veep pick.

    What’d you call your veep candidate, Pat? A MILF? We don’t need to know what you fantasize about when you’re by yourself, just whether or not you’ll give her and her soulmate running mate your vote. And most people are concluding (rapidly) this week that they like her, but don’t want to vote for her and Mac.

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