4 thoughts on “I Love Election Day!”
  1. Done!

    My precinct’s voting venue was rather lightly populated. Chicago and Cook County STILL use punch card machines, which drives me nuts. There were two Republican voting booths at my location, three Democratic voting booths, and two booths that had no indication of party, but were likely EFL or TTY locations.

    It’s snowing today up here in Chicago, so I expect voting turnout to be low.

    Two amusing things: Michael J. Fox (“Yakov” in parentheses after the “J.” in his name on the ballot) and Jerry Orbach were running in various county seats. Heh.

  2. It’s dangerous to give too much weight to random eye-witness accounts at a few polling places, but here’s what I got:

    Good news for Obama-
    Long lines at 8 a.m. at a three-precinct polling place in Richton Park, (middle class African-American.)

    Slow in key Hynes areas –
    10 a.m. count at three precincts in Orland Park shows turnout at about 50% of ’02 primary.
    No lines at several 19th Ward and Evergreen Park polling places. Palos Twp. slow too.

    More later….

  3. Sorry Kenneth, I should have been more clear.
    We’re talkin’ 10 a.m. on both dates.

    The three precincts combined for just under 1,000 votes in ’02. As of 10 a.m. today, 104 voters had cast ballots. Using the old committeeman’s rule-of-thumb, 20 to 25% of the total vote on election day usually shows up by 10 a.m. Based on that formula, we can expect anywhere from 420 to about 500 voters to vote — about half the number from ’02.

    Vallas got these voters out Hynes seemingly isn’t. But lets not get too carried away yet. It’s just three precincts.

    I also hear its real slow in the 9th Ward — bad for Obama.

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