The proposition to medical researchers in Missouri was beautiful
It would be hypocritical of me to not say so given this
why not target it to bioscience as part of the funding and try and lure some of the actual research from St. Louis to the Illinois side of the river? Given the movement to potentially ban stem cell research and the wacky moves to introduce ‘intelligent design’ it’s a perfect time to entice bioscience development across the river to a friendly regulatory environment–oh and roads that aren’t crappy. And schools that are decent. And….
Oh, that great Misery bidness climate….
What the Wonder Blunder leaves out is that his party is having a civil war over pro-life issues including embryonic stem cell research and it isn’t clear to me that Blunt is going to be able to stave off the base forever. And don’t forget those pesky creationist bills that keep popping up in the Missouri Lege.