I Am Beginning to Get the Term Reality Based Community

Much like Truth Girl I often find the term strange–as someone who is a Christian it seems a bit too far for me in that I don’t reject faith and it always seems to me that such a line puts faith as not important. That said, today’s headlines at the Huffington Post cut to the core of what many have problems with

Bush On Intelligent Design: ?Teach It In Schools?…

Bush On Rove: He Has My ?Complete Confidence?…

Bush On Palmeiro: ?I Believe Him?…

Facts don’t matter, only your point of view in this brave new world.

One thought on “I Am Beginning to Get the Term Reality Based Community”
  1. I never took the term “reality-based community” to be opposed to a “religious faith-based community.” The way I remember it — and memory can sometimes be faulty — the phrase was made up in response to a White House staffer’s observation that liberals live in a “reality-based” world, while the White House was operating in an environment where they can create the reality to fit their ideology.

    It’s the difference between objective examination of the facts underlying a policy proposal and spin.

    I suppose there’s some confusion, because on a number of issues the ideology underlying the spin is a particular brand of Evangelical Christianity. Nonetheless, for many religious people there wouldn’t be a conflict between their religion and a “reality-based” world view.

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