In a rather hysterical whine to Don Wycliff, Pat Quinn suggested that the Trib acted like the Pinkneyville Bugle and in one swipe offended the public editor of the major daily in the state and the good people of Southern Illinois.
Not to be outdone, Brad Tusk of the Governor’s office gets in on the act in the Southern Illinoisan
“One of the most interesting aspects of the job, he said, is getting to know the people in the state, as he did last week when he accompanied the governor on a two-day swing through Southern Illinois. The trip helped clear up what he said was his biggest misconception about the state.
“I just didn’t realize how diverse this state was. Southern Illinois is almost like the South. Central Illinois is more like Middle America. Chicago is like most big cities and its suburbs are sort of typical of most American suburbs,” he said. “It’s almost like four different worlds in one place.”
The best part is that he talks about shaking things up in the State Board of Education, but doesn’t seem to clue in that the SBOE’s biggest challenge to come involves those Southern Illinois schools.
and from Vasyl:
Oh, and doesn’t he sound a bit defensive?? How many times does he repeat that Blagojevich makes the decisions?? Why state the obvious — unless it’s not